from Northridge 2 to Everyone:
Do you know when the recording of last week's functional call on normalization rules will be available?
We missed it because of a power outage.
from North American Professional Services to Everyone:
Hi CSUN - I got the recording to Brandon yesterday, so you should see it on Confluence soon.
from Northridge to Everyone:
Thank you
from Tom (CSUEB) (privately):
i say do the demo
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) (privately):
Why would you want to keep the 001, 019, & 035 it it didn't match? We should only be replacing
records in the NZ with the same record
to Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) (privately):
Hi Eva - this is a very hypothetical example just to show how merge works.
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) (privately):
We plan to get regular updates of the OCLC master records for records in the NZ
from Eva Sorrell (CSUSB) (privately):
Okay, thanks
from Tom (CSUEB) (privately):
you are losing me
from Laura (Sonoma) (privately):
It didn't look like you had the option to select the merge rules you created. Why is that?
from Cal Poly SLO to Everyone:
Why isn't there a temple icon for your local fields?
from Northridge 2 to Everyone:
You can specify the merge rule in resource configuration, configuration menu, other settings, #16
from Mark B. (Los Angeles) (privately):
Yes, that helps-- set the merge rule in External Resource settings, or else leave blank. And so one must
leave the External Resource setting _blank_ if one wishes to _choose_ a Merge Rule (as Megan has
wanted to do?).
from Svetlana (privately):
the fields 590 and 990 were not added as local extensions to the NZ record
from Mark B. (Los Angeles) (privately):
(sorry for the long note)
from Pam (privately):
What happened to all the versions that appeared? There were 4 versions and one was picked. Are
those other 3 gone? How did those appear as well?
from Laura (Sonoma) (privately):
I'm also confused about why some of the merge rules start with drools and some don't.
from Laura (Sonoma) to Everyone:
Oops sorry!
from Laura (Sonoma) to Everyone:
What's the difference between setting the merge rules in Othere Settings and setting the merge rule in
your External Resources profiles?
from Svetlana (privately):
If record is a NZ record rules are coming from NZ
from Svetlana to Everyone:
the fields 590 and 990 were not added as local extensions to the NZ record
from Svetlana to Everyone:
If record is a NZ record rules are coming from NZ
from San Marcos to Everyone:
why aren't you using $$9LOCAL
from Svetlana to Everyone:
Local Extension can be added from MD Editor - Edit menu or by typing $$9 LOCAL ( or $$9 local) at the
end of the local field
from Svetlana to Everyone:
Q: What's the difference between setting the merge rules in Othere Settings and setting the merge rule
in your External Resources profiles?
from Pam to Everyone:
What happened to all the versions that appeared on the right in split screen earlier in the presentation?
After one is picked, do those other ones disappear?
from Maria Pena to Everyone:
merge rule is not enabled?
from Steve (SDSU) (privately):
Within merge rules, do 'remove' commands always apply only to the primary record, and 'add'
commands always apply only to the secondary record?
from Svetlana to Everyone:
versions should not disapper
from North American Professional Services to Everyone:
from Steve (SDSU):
Within merge rules, do 'remove' commands always apply only to the primary record, and 'add'
commands always apply only to the secondary record?
from Pam to Everyone:
Okay, that helps. Thank you!
from Steve (SDSU) to Everyone:
Thanks for forwarding my question to Everyone. 'Everyone' is not appearing on my 'send to' list for some
from Chico to Everyone:
For how long are versions retained?
from Svetlana to Everyone:
Remove ‘field’ - removes all lines with this field from the primary record
Add ‘field’ – adds all lines with the field from the secondary record to the primary record
Replace ‘field’ – 1) removes all lines with the field from the primary record (that exist in the secondary
record) and 2) adds all lines with the field from the secondary record to the primary record
from Steve (SDSU) to Everyone:
Thank you, Svetlana.
from Steve (SDSU) to Everyone:
Yes, it's clearer for me, thank you.
from Samuel (privately):
Would it help to think of the 'Primary' record as the 'Target' record? Or, are there exceptions to this
based on circumstances?
from Samuel (privately):
Right, so it's the target record then. Thank you :)
from Mark B (Los Angeles) to Everyone:
Thank you