ULMS Steering Committee : 2022-01-19 ULMS Steering Committee Meeting Agenda





Brandon's Zoom - https://calstate.zoom.us/my/bdudley


Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) David Walker Nerissa Lindsey (Unlicensed) Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed) Christian Ward (Unlicensed) Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed) Kelly Ann Sam (Unlicensed) Brinna Pam Anan (Unlicensed) Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

Discussion topics






Call To Order

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


COLD Update

Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed)
David Walker


Satisfaction Survey

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


Committee Business


  • LibKey interest - David


Questions from COLD Bylaws task force

brandon dudley (Unlicensed)


  • What types of COLD business is best guided and governed by a standing committee, as opposed to a taskforce or a community of practice? 

  • What annual/regular deliverables should COLD expect from standing committees?

  • Under what circumstances should a standing committee be retired? As new initiatives and priorities arise, we can imagine the need to add, change, or even drop standing committees.


Big Idea

Brinna Pam Anan (Unlicensed)

Committee Updates

Assessment & Analytics

Christina Hennessey (Unlicensed)

ULMS Assessment & Analytics Functional Committee met Wednesday, January 12, 2022 11am-noon

  1. Ex Libris 2022-2023 roadmap review


The committee reviewed the 2022 & 2023 roadmap emailed to all of us by Ex Libris on 1/9/22 for Analytics-related changes.



Some of the screenshots here are familiar from those we saw from focus group meetings in 2021 – new Analytics menu, easier to share with non-Alma folks. Customized dashboards are still in there despite the feedback from Analytics COP that the generic dashboards don’t really help customers as they too hard to modify for your local needs.


Some 2023 road map information here, I like this idea of ‘Information regarding patron facing letters and notices will be added to Alma Analytics’ so you can find something like ‘Number of Overdue Notifications per item counted by library’.


Electronic Resources Management also has some Analytics-related items


The Overlap Analysis Tool will be improved to include additional overlap comparing options and summary reporting, the Overlap Analysis Tool will be expanded to include print titles.


No other parts of the roadmap had Analytics or Assessment features.



2. Update on Analytics survey results


The team designed a two-part survey was out there for CSU responses from December 1 – 15, 2021, which covered both the questions we needed answered for the Ex Libris Analytics Chairs survey, and the questions we had about a CSU-wide Analytics event for 2022. We promoted the survey on the listserv and Slack. Analytics isn’t used by too many people CSU-wide so were happy with 15 responses and 12 campuses responding.


a.     What was sent to Brandon for Ex Libris from Chair’s survey


The committee was sent all responses and we reviewed them for common themes as well as ideas for training. We also reached out to individuals that reported issues that were already fixed, so the survey was very useful in that way as well.


Our top five issues reported were:

                                                               i.      Reporting on NZ-managed e-resources too limited

                                         ii.    Overlap analysis - IZ, NZ & cost-per-use reporting still confusing or not available

                                                           iii.      Primo Analytics data is not reliable or blank or wrong

                                        iv.    Analytics for configuration changes and who changed them, retaining the whole history of each field change

                                         v.    Have a full history of the users that updated an item/field, not just the last modified by



3. results for the Analytics event(s) for 2022

The committee reviewed all the results on time of year, format, interest areas, etc. The time of year of most interest was Summer 2022 so we will plan an online event for that time. There was most interest in these subjects: Data Visualization, Primo Analytics, and Electronic Resources Management, and format preference was both short presentations and breakout rooms on particular areas so we will have both. Stay tuned for calls for presenters as we plan this event throughout the spring.


4. Update on Analytics folder cleanup


Ex Libris is making progress on our issue of not being able to delete any folders or reports from the Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Institutions/CalState area. The process only runs on Fridays and some of the deleted reports & folders tend to reappear in the next Friday update. Once all the development issues are resolved here, the committee can return to our cleanup work of these areas. We reached out to the CSU Analytics community after the meeting to let them know of this ongoing problem, and to let Christina Hennessey know if you accidentally create a report in this area so she can get it deleted (maybe). 


5. Any outstanding questions about ACRL/IPEDS data support or instructions?


The question of what to include in 60B was resolved. Patrick suggested we remind the CSU community that if they are running ACRL reports right now, there are some that needed to be run on July 1, 2021 to be correct, and the committee can help them with modifications to get this data (we did this after the meeting and a few sites did reach out for help). 


6. GreenGlass discussion


One of the goals for the committee this year was to look at the OCLC GreenGlass product and how it supplements or complements Alma Analytics, and what is going on with various trials of GreenGlass throughout the CSU. GreenGlass is mainly a print analysis product but has some elements of overlap analysis with your e-resources as well. Christina has access to a GreenGlass account this semester and shared what it does with the rest of the group, and others who have been trialing the product shared experiences as well. Christina will have more training on GreenGlass later in January and will bring some questions and concerns from the committee to that training. Please share any concerns and questions you have about this product with our committee!


Next meeting: Wednesday, February 9, 2021 11am-noon


Christian Ward (Unlicensed)

Discovery Satisfaction Survey: Conducted satisfaction survey of the discovery community, analyzed results, and submitted committee recommendations.

Primo VE Evaluation Slack Channel Archived

Held December Discovery Open Forum: Topics discussed: 1) Managing the Customization Package on Mac OS, 2) Adding ScholarWorks data to Primo VE, 3) Managing Primo VE Updates, and 4) Primo Search Scope Analysis

Held January DFC Meeting:

Topics discussed:

  • Norm rules request process: Brandon will be updating the discovery community on the norm rules request process and online resource organization at the next open forum.  

  • Audio/Video resource type: The DFC is gathering data on the issue and will discussed at the next meeting

  • Troubleshooting availability issues: The DFC recommends that campuses work to examine and/or correct metadata issues when the brief result availability and the full record availability differ. The DFC does not recommend changing availability code labels because it only corrects specific instances of the issue, and may not resolve more commonly reported issues. The recommendations will be shared in the next open forum.   

Discovery Wiki Redesign Survey

Sent survey to the discovery list. So far there are several responses with constructive feedback on how to make the site easier to use, and what the focus should be. Survey will run through February 4th with results presented at the next open forum.

February Open Forum

Next forum is on February 11, 2022. We will feature the norm rules change process updates, dedup/frbr configuration overview, and other topics as determined by the discovery community. 


Ilda Cardenas (Unlicensed)

ULMS ERM Satisfaction Survey

Pending customer reply-looks like hasn’t responded then gets email from Brandon

Everything is going to be more automated, the ratings are overall positive.

Shaunt, alma has incrementally better but you still need your staff. Still need ULMS committee locally.

Highlighting workload issues with ALMA.

Lauren: For next year’s survey, ask whether your workload has decreased. 


Primo VE full text/no full text label changes

What are the labels going to change to?                     

Exclude CDI eBooks

It worked!

What are the effects for eBooks that are activated in the CZ?


Kelly Ann Sam (Unlicensed)

  • Review of what library hours will be for Spring 2022

  • Review ULMS Survey submissions top issues

  • Preparing for Leganto Open Forum on 01/05/22

Resource Management

Brinna Pam Anan (Unlicensed)

The ULMS Resource Management Functional Committee met Tuesday, January 4, 2022 from 1-2 PM.


  1. The Local Fields documentation that was in progress last year will be picked up again at the end of January 2022 or beginning of February 2022.  The purpose is to inquire which local fields campuses are using to determine if this will affect use of Primo VE Norm Rules.

  2. Brandon and David have given the green light for the NZ Management Group to start the NZ refresh of records.  Ex Libris is also aware that this has been planned.  The NZ Management Group will inform campuses of steps to take to prepare for the NZ Refresh.  If everything falls into place, the Refresh is scheduled to start before February 5, 2022.

  3. The NZ Management Group received an update from OCLC regarding the incorrect coding of archival materials in OCLC records which affected the resource types in Primo VE.  The Group will re-run NZ reports and review solutions to address this issue.

  4. The RMFC Satisfaction Survey results were submitted to Brandon.  The RMFC also received a summary of the results during the January 4 meeting.

    1. Issues reported for Alma and Primo VE from the RMFC Satisfaction Survey were: 

                                                               i.      Quality of CZ bib records

                                                             ii.      CZ task update errors

                                                           iii.      Collections (not Electronic Collections) functionality

                                                           iv.      Documentation and new interface rollout scheduling

                                                             v.      Overmatching/merging of records

                                                           vi.      CDI metadata error reporting

                                                          vii.      Normalization rules documentation

                                                        viii.      CSU consortial issues and customer support

5. The RMFC also closed a survey regarding cataloging open access/free online resources and related policies.  This issue will be revisited should OA resources cause any more problems in the NZ.  

6. The next ULMS RMFC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 1 PM.

Resource Sharing

Meghann Brenneman (Unlicensed)

Survey results were submitted. 

RSFC will be testing the 'Will Supply' feature noted in the recent release. 

RSFC will be presenting about printer queues capacity to I-SPIE. 

RSFC is beginning a review of wiki pages to edit outdated content, archive old configuration recommendations, and identify updates to make with Rapido implementation. 

Action items




Data Visualization TF_ Evaluation of Tableau Server Pilot (1).pdf (application/pdf)
DRAFT202012PolicyNO DEDUPE.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ULMS Survey Responses - Ex Libris 2020.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Consortia-to-Consortia_Proposal.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
CSU-UC Recip Agreement Proposal.pdf (application/pdf)
CSU+.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
image-20210512-161121.png (image/png)
DRAFT20210407MARC Fields Excluded from CSU ALMA (01CALS).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ULMS Governance Structure - Updated Draft (20210414).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
NZ_Refresh_Request_to_ULMS_Nov2021.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
image-20211117-165902.png (image/png)