

Curt Asher (Bakersfield), Amy Wallace (Channel Islands), Patrick Newell (Chico), Stephanie Brasley (Dominguez Hills), John Wenzler (East Bay), Del Hornbuckle (Fresno), Amanda Dinscore (Fresno) Clem Guthro (Fullerton), Cyril Oberlander (Humboldt), Roman Kochan (Long Beach), Carlos Rodriguez (Los Angeles), Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime), Frank Wojcik (Monterey Bay), Mark Stover (Northridge), Ray Wang (Pomona), Amy Kautzman (Sacramento), Cesar Cabellero (San Bernardino), Tracy Elliot (San Jose), Adriana Popescu (San Luis Obispo), Jennifer Fabbi (San Marcos), Jonathon Smith for Karen Schneider (Sonoma), Ron Rodriguez (Stanislaus), John Tarjan for Susan Gubernat (CSU Academic Senate Rep, East Bay), Jenny Zorn (CSU Provost Rep, Bakersfield), David Walker (CO), Alice Kawakami (CO), Eddie Choy (CO). 

Discussion items

Day One Discussion Items

Introductions and Institutional Repository update

SDLC Report was sent out.  Includes updates on ULMS and Scholarworks.  Scholarworks was using dSpace and we will be moving to hydra.  In the middle of the transition.  San Marcos is the early pilot. Moving from CO to amazon to support this service. Top priority is to hire a person to lead this project.  Aaron will consult in the meantime.  Hope to have someone hired soon.  Will give an update at the December meeting.  

Standing Committee Briefings

  • CAT (Stephanie Sterling Brasley)

COLD Assessment Team Report September 2017.pdf.  Looking at an old survey on collecting like statistics that we can use to gauge impact across campuses.

  • STIM (Patrick Newell)

STIM held its first Zoom meeting last week.  STIM Institutional Repository Subcommittee Report. A number of topics we’ve been discussing (e.g. Vivo) are included in the list of work STIM plans to undertake/investigate.  At the October meeting, the committee will group the different technology work listed into projects, identify project leads (and those on campuses already engaged in the technology/work), and begin developing formal project proposals for COLD to review.  STIM wants to spin off small more focused worked groups.  

  • EAR  (Mark Stover)

EAR Committee Report to COLD September 2017.docx  Need to follow up on budget plan and working group reports.  ECC budget has been static for 10-15 years.  The structural deficit remains.  We get offers from vendors all the time.  Proquest has a unique offer for textbook eBooks.  We have not gone there before.  Proquest piloted with Western Australia, and it was seen as a success.  EAR thinks it might be something that the CO may be wanting to pilot with interest in Merlot.  Maybe we go with 12-13.  Maybe with Follett. Other projects textbook swap, renting 5 most popular, bookstore partnerships, etc.

ULMS status and CSU+ Update (Anya Arnold/ David Walker/Carlos Rodriguez/Brandon Dudley)

Anya gave to CSU Plus report.  COLD CSU+ 9-17.pptx  ULMS coordinating committee formed.  Membership lists sent out.  Governance committee has met once, and will meet monthly.  Got an update from the functional committees.  Explored ideas for things we can work on as a system and other collaborative opportunities.  How to leverage to influence Alma and Primo?  All functional committees have met once or twice.  Mostly on organizational discussion to transition from implementation to post-implantation concerns.  Also task forces s within the subcommittees are being formed.  Carlos will post things that they are working on.  

David Walker gave the SDLC report.  sdls-2017-09.pdfPlease send feedback on where CO should be placing their efforts. Reminded we are in the optimization year for the ULMS implementation.  Filling gaps of knowledge and training.  Altering work flows and trying new functionality.  Exploring analytics.  Next year will be the new strategic directions phase. 

Marchive Online Government Document Records

Half campuses getting now all can get centrally for less money.  Question is how do we pay for it?  Motion: Have those already pay to Marchive and now pay centrally into the reduce cost centrally for a year.  Will revisit this practice next year.  Motion carries.  The charges will come through memo to those campuses.

ECC-eBook and ProQuest issues (Eddie Choy)

Creating a program to work with vendors to offer training to librarians.  Pilot is working with CSUN to develop a training with Proquest for a webinar on Alma data migration.  Hope to launch in mid-October. 

Budget Status and CO update (Gerry Hanley)

Gerry shared the budget.  Library budget for COLD 2017-18 9-28-2017.xlsx  Got request for a bit extra money that COLD can be move around to address strategic needs.  Two place holders are Leganto and WEST.  San Marcos is piloting Leganto.

Strategic Planning update (Jen Fabbi)

Talk about where we are with strategic plan.  Charge the Strategic Planning and Budget Committee.  Have a 45 input session.  Have them get input from all.  First week of Nov. Deans will be asked to send out to answer survey committee.  Send all Have committee bring to a mid-Nov to exec and 2 weeks before COLD prior Stanislaus. 


  • More student centered/people center
  • Diversity
  • This should be about the CSU Libraries and not COLD
  • Axe the ULMS
  • Assessment throughout
  • Flesh out #2
  • Grants should be added as a means
  • Get rid of library jargon
  • Attach to the library bill of rights in terms of our values
  • Provide shared training opps for faculty and staff, pursing excellence with an eye to quality service
  • Community should be included, community minded, town-gown, consider stakeholders, community engaged
  • Shared acquisitions, shared print
  • Adding more on digital preservation, and even campus on digital preservation
  • Shared technologies and shared innovation, pilots, developing system-wide policies practices and best practices with physical spaces
  • Advocacy of impact on student and faculty success
  • Shared staffing in areas that make sense, developing shared expertise, other types of shared infrastructure
  • Concept of open access, under values and then placing in digital collections
  • Add to values of office of intellectual freedom, levering technology, separately add communicating library value to the CSU and individual campus missions, focused communication strategy
  • Advancing creative thinking is a plus
  • A focus on Efforts-initiatives to enhance student learning and student success
  • Unified tech solutions
  • Social justice, rethink how we are presenting goals…and then strategies…and then list out indicators or success, culture of communication, honesty, and trust
  • Equitable access as a value and as a goal
  • Equity in values, under assessment change to “demonstrate how instruction”, change goal 4 to be all the ways we can leverage shared technology and expertise….and remove the content piece.
  • Inclusion, equity, social justice
  • Information literacy as values and as a goal
  • Shared reference services and digital storage
  • Anticipating needs for students and faculty to be successful
  • Aspirational aspects
  • Articulating to constituencies and continuing the marketing.

Action items

  • Have those already pay to Marchive and now pay centrally into the reduce cost centrally for a year.  Will revisit this practice next year. The charges will come through memo to those campuses.
  • Formed the Strategic Planning, Budget, Infastructure Committee.  Members will be Jen, Amy K, Stephanie, Clem, Del.


EAR Committee Report to COLD September 2017.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
COLD CSU+ 9-17.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
sdls-2017-09.pdf (application/pdf)
Library budget for COLD 2017-18 9-28-2017.xlsx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet)