

Curt Asher (Bakersfield), Amy Wallace (Channel Islands), Patrick Newell (Chico), Stephanie Brasley (Dominguez Hills), John Wenzler (East Bay), Del Hornbuckle (Fresno), Amanda Dinscore (Fresno) Clem Guthro (Fullerton), Cyril Oberlander (Humboldt), Roman Kochan (Long Beach), Carlos Rodriguez (Los Angeles), Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime), Frank Wojcik (Monterey Bay), Mark Stover (Northridge), Ray Wang (Pomona), Amy Kautzman (Sacramento), Cesar Cabellero (San Bernardino), Gale Etschmaier (San Diego), Tracy Elliot (San Jose), Adriana Popescu (San Luis Obispo), Jennifer Fabbi (San Marcos), Jonathan Smith (Sonoma). Karen Schneider (Sonoma), Ron Rodriguez (Stanislaus), John Tarjan for Susan Gubernat (CSU Academic Senate Rep, East Bay), Jenny Zorn (CSU Provost Rep, Bakersfield), David Walker (CO), Alice Kawakami (CO), Eddie Choy (CO). 

Discussion items

Meta Archive Cooperative (Clem Guthro)

Digital Preservation network.  Have a new pricing model, which might be more affordable as a collaborative model.  Motion: Have EAR and STIM look at ways forward for the preservation of our licensed and unlicensed content in light of hydra, Metarchive, LOCKSS, and other tools that have been explored by these two committees.

Copyright Collaborative (Copyright Collaborative)

Watched an ALA video titled Library Copyright First Responders Best Practices.  Patrick would like to bring Kyle to work with the CSU Librarians and Staff who is interested in this topic and the various deep dives into domain like music or multimedia.  Patrick is seeking a grant.  Is this bigger than us and is this something we want to go to TLT in the CO.  Expenses would be to compensate Kyle and sending people there.  Systemwide web page for copyright.  Who might help us pay for this within the CSU.  Talk about ethos of risk adversity in this area.  Motion: COLD appoint a task force to investigate the model of Copyright First Responders.

Shared professional development ideas (Amy Kautzman)

A summary of the professional development survey was provided via email.  57% of us deeply want to send faculty to Management Training w/DeEtta Jones. 33% are somewhat interested. 9.5% are not interested.  (total responses 21).  61% of us deeply want to send faculty to Scholarly Communication Training. 33% are somewhat interested. 5.5% are not interested. (total responses 18).  25% of us deeply want to send faculty to ACRL Immersion Training. 56% are somewhat interested. 18.75% are not interested. (total responses 16).  The entire survey is posted on confluence. COLD Training.pdf  Other trainings we should consider: Data management/DigHum; Info on 1st gen students, especially Hispanic; Assessment of Infoliteracy, other ways we contribute to student success; Science boot camp for librarians; Project management and library publishing; Excel; ArchiveSpace; Stats and analysis; and Managing and exploring the evolving role of student employees.

Sacramento would host Management (Entry and Experienced).  Maybe a Scholarly Communication hosted by Channel Islands and Sacramento.  Diversity, Inclusion and Unconscious Bias.  Assessment Training.  Liasion connection new roles.  New Models of Reference, Outreach, and Faculty support.   Advancement contributions reputation, Marketing, donor relations.  Bring ADs together.  Dealing with special population like homeless and mental illness.  ArchivesSpace.

Questionpoint presentation (Johanna Alexander, CSU Virtual Reference and QP Coordinator)

Gave a summary of the presentation and report are posted on confluence.  Members want to maintain even with drop in questions. COLD Presentation on CSU QP.  Question Point Data Report 9-17.

Action items

  • EAR and STIM will be charged to look at ways forward for the preservation of our licensed and unlicensed content in light of hydra, Metarchive, LOCKSS, perpetuity acquisition, and other tools that have been explored by these two committees.
  • COLD appoint a task force to investigate the model of Copyright First Responders.


COLD Training.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD Presentation on CSU QP Services Sept. 29 2017.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
CSU QuestionPoint Services 2017 update 92917 final report to COLD.pdf (application/pdf)