Present: Sandra Bozarth (Bakersfield), Alicia Virtue (Channel Islands), Jodi Shepherd (Chico), Stephanie Brasley (Dominguez Hills), John Wenzler (East Bay), Del Hornbuckle (Fresno), Emily Bonney (Fullerton), Cyril Oberlander (Humboldt), Tracey Mayfield (standing in for Roman Kochen, Long Beach), Carlos Rodriguez (Los Angeles), Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime), Jacqueline Grallo (Monterey Bay), Mark Stover (Northridge), Pat Hawthorne (Pomona), Amy Kautzman (Sacramento), Cesar Caballero(San Bernardino), Scott Walter (San Diego), Deborah Masters (San Francisco), Michael Meth (San Jose), Adriana Popescu (San Luis Obispo), Jen Fabbi (San Marcos), Karen G. Schneider (Sonoma), Ron Rodriguez (Stanislaus)
Mitch Avila (Channel Islands), provost representative; Ryne Leuzinger (Monterey Bay), statewide senate representative; Leslie Kennedy (CO), David Walker (CO), Eddie Choy (CO), Brandon Dudley (CO)
Absent: John Wenzler (partial), Mark Stover (partial)
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes | Documents |
8 AM | Welcome & Introductions | Welcomed Mitch Avila, CSUCI, Provost rep; Ryne Leuzinger, Statewide Senate Liaison; Mike Meth, Dean, SJSU | ||
8:10 AM | Campus Updates | All | ||
8:30 AM | Negotiator Position Description (time certain) | Question of salary was discussed, as position is being expanded. Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) suggested finding comps for similar positions. Emily Miller (Unlicensed) reminded COLD that the PD needs to be largely finalized by 10/13 (next COLD meeting). Minor edits shared in discussion, such as budget/finance projection experience. Clarified ERM experience is not required. Discussion about clarifying roles (e.g. this position vs. David Walker). Task Force is Pat Hawthorne (Unlicensed) , Stephanie Brasley (Unlicensed) , Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed) , Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) , Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) | ||
9:07 AM | Break | |||
9:20 AM | Approval of Bylaws Task Force | Michele shared that COLD has had administrative inefficiencies that would be mitigated by providing more framework for governance. Provost Avila noted that the CO appointed him in this role and is interested in the CO-COLD relationship with respect to adopting bylaws. Debbie Masters will exhume early materials, noting that the relationship has been “pretty informal.” Provost Avila noted the importance of clarifying the relationship. COLD approved this action. Michele will tee up volunteers and we will confirm next week. | ||
9:30 AM | Request for one-year extension on renewal of COLD strategic plan | COLD confirmed, 20 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions | ||
9:45 AM | Elsevier Update | Discussion needs to move to next week. Need to stay strong and negotiate hard. Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) and Mike Meth volunteered to work with Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed) . Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) asked if there would be a document that could be shared with our campuses. Mark Stover (Unlicensed) noted that the 10/13 COLD meeting will include a review of the Elsevier agreement to date. @Jen Fabbi asked if there would be a document regarding the APC waiver activity that could be shared with our campuses. Discussion about establish an Elsevier Task Force of Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed), Mike Meth, and Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) , charge to be established after Elsevier conversation next week. | ||
10 AM | Redraft of CSU-UC reciprocal agreement document | David summarized 20/21 activity on this document. Discussion focused on how to get signatures/agreement from each entity. Mark Stover (Unlicensed) shared that this agreement should need to go through CO C&P. Emily Miller (Unlicensed) brought up framing this as an MOU, to be brought back on 10/13 by Emily Miller (Unlicensed) for COLD review and approval. | ||
10:15 AM | Open | |||
10:30 AM | Break | |||
10:45 AM | Deans' DEI Committee | Recapped background on DEI activity in 2020/2021, including work contracted with Nicole Cooke and a follow-up presentation of survey results in September. Proposed a deans' task force to continue work Discussed establishing a COLD DEI committee. Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) noted her support and added that it would benefit from clarification on structure (e.g. standing committee). Jodi Shepherd brought up question of non-COLD participation. Stephanie Brasley (Unlicensed) noted there is precedent for participation from outside COLD, e.g. ULMS. MOVED, that the DEI task force and others interested meet to develop a proposed charge, composition, and organization for a standing committee by the COLD meeting in December. Second Cesar. Passed unanimously 19-0-0. Participation from Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed) , Sandra Bozarth (Unlicensed) , Tracey Mayfield, plus the existing TF: Adriana, Cesar, Ron, Stephanie. | ||
11 AM | Deans' Hour | |||
12 PM | Lunch |
Action items
SRDC_COLD_Report_93020.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS Steering Committee Report 9-30-20.pdf (application/pdf)
Scholarly Communications Committee Quarterly Report September 2020.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD Student Success Committee Report.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD_Report_Dec2020.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)