Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed) Ron Rodriguez (Unlicensed) Emily Miller (Unlicensed) Scott Walter (Unlicensed) Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) Ann Roll (Unlicensed) Tracey Mayfield (Unlicensed) Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) David Walker brandon dudley (Unlicensed)
Presenter | Agenda Topic | Minutes | Documents/Links |
Michele Van Hoeck | Welcome and Approval of Minutes | Moved by Bonney, second by Oberlander Minutes approved | |
Ann Roll | Upcoming OA Agreements -process for COLD input/updating | There was a discussion about how COLD might deal with potential joint agreements going forward. Some questions to consider included the following. Raise the waiver of APCs with every renewal of a subscription? When does SRDC get involved? When should Schol Comm be involved? Other issues that arose included related concerns. What do we as CSUs want to invest dollars in. How do we recruit people to do Schol Comm work? How do we raise campus community awareness and that of the CO about the role of libraries in navigating and negotiating these changes. How do OA, OER and Open Data all relate. We agreed that that we form a working group that will define goals, scope and process for working with vendors and the conversations with SCELC and the UCs. Tracy Amy Emily Cyril and Ann will work on this issue of collaborative agreements with some open scholarship element. and bring something to the February meeting. | |
Brandon Dudley | Unity/Resource Sharing Functional Committee (ULMS) proposal + related initiative from SCELC | There are three aspects to this topic, two of which he hope to get decisions on in COLD meeting. Request to add two SCELC libraries to Unity Contract. Second is that SCELC wants to create a statewide courier system and this could be a pilot. new item is recommendation from resource sharing committee to create hybrid pods that would bring them into Rapido by saving some of fees.. As look to add other institutions to Unity K they would be more suitable for pursuing hybrid pods which would bring them into closer partnership. Need to have an agreement from COLD about resource sharing. Note that Orbis-Cascade would be interested in some partnership. | |
Michele Van Hoeck | Review of COLD Operational Handbook o Standing Committees o Officer Duties o Budget | There was a discussion about changes to the handbook. These will be made part of the final product. ExCom agreed that in February COLD will be asked to receive and accept the finished handbook. | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u_ofqa-K_HugnKccgS870xDONHzu7Km4AuugjdHlHgo/edit