San José State University, King Library, Room 213
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0028
ID: 85044450787
Passcode: 376230
Participants Invited
Rebecca Lubas (Unlicensed) Ron Rodriguez (Unlicensed) Michael Meth (Unlicensed) Ann Roll (Unlicensed) Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) David Walker Christina Hennessey Sandra Bozarth (Unlicensed) Jacqui Grallo (Unlicensed) Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) Deborah Masters (Unlicensed) Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed) @Ryne Leuzinger @Bob Lim Eric Hanson (Unlicensed) Stephanie Brasley (Unlicensed) Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed)@ Janet Crum (Unlicensed) Jill Leafstedt (Unlicensed) Kathy Dabbour (Unlicensed) Scott Walter (Unlicensed) Kathy Dabbour (Unlicensed) Laura Krier (Unlicensed) Brad Eden (Unlicensed) Kristin Hart (Unlicensed) Elizabeth Dill (Unlicensed) Toni Olivas (Unlicensed) Char Booth, Laura Alamillo, Alex Parker, Monica Pereira, Marla E. Peppers (Unlicensed)
In attendance:
Discussion topics
Day One
Item | Time | Presenter | Notes |
Executive Committee Meeting | 9:00am - 11:00am | ||
MLK Library Tour | 11:00am-noon | ||
Lunch | noon | all | |
Welcome & Introductions | 1:00pm | Mike | |
Approval of the minutes of last meeting | 1:15pm | Sandra | 2024-05-09 and 2024-05-10 Full COLD Meeting notes for Spring Quarterly Meeting |
Chair Update | 1:20pm | Mike | Buddies, future COLD meetings |
Reports: | |||
CO reports | 1:30pm | CO reps | |
CIO report | 2:05pm | Bob Lim | Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) provided a summary |
Break | 2:15pm | All | |
Standing committee reports | 2:30pm | Please link reports in the notes column |
Proposed motion to amend handbook to add DEIA standing committee language. Language will be provided to Carlos. |
SJSU Library Conversation | 3:00pm | Nick Szydlowski and Sharesly Rodriguez | |
Deans Hour | 4:00pm | All Deans | |
COLD Dinner | 6:00pm |
Day Two
Item | Time | Presenter | Notes |
Breakfast | 8:00am | ||
SJSU Provost Welcome | 8:30am | Provost Vincent Del Casino | Welcoming Remarks |
CSU Libraries Conference | 9:10am | Mike | Goal:
OUP agreement | 9:20am | Ann | |
Breakout conversations/rooms | 9:40am | Mike and Scott |
Expert leads / committee structure | 10:40am | Rebecca | continued from past COLD meetings |
Break | 10:55am | All | |
Campus updates | 11:10am | Please add your campus updates to the attached google doc in notes column | |
Adjourn & Lunch | noon |
Action items
Add DEIA standing committee language to our handbook, language was provided to Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) by Sandra.
Call to go out for membership on DEIA standing committee Sandra Bozarth (Unlicensed)
Create short list for Provost Cornick to share with provosts and CFOs at their meeting in Long Beach Michael Meth (Unlicensed)
Call to go out for others interested in joining Michael Meth (Unlicensed) to participate in CSU Library Conference.
Each standing committee to review committee membership make up and report back at COLD meeting in Bakersfield Feb of 2025.
Should COLD be chairing standing committees, look at COLD governance. Add this to Dec 2024 zoom COLD meeting.
Vote unanimously passed on amendment to add DEIA standing committee language to our handbook.
Vote unanimously passed to establish a COLD TF to identify CSU library services for consideration for a shared service model. Ann, Amy, Adriana, Christina and Leslie will be on the task force.
Vote unanimously passed to establish a COLD TF for communications. Various campuses willing to assist and will start with a quick poll to find out how many campuses have communications teams.
COLD Schol Comm Report 9-26-2024.pdf (application/pdf)
systemwide-digital-library.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS report note for oral presentation at COLD 092624.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS report note for oral presentation at COLD 092624.pdf (application/pdf)