Council of Library Deans : 2018-12-6/7 Meeting notes 2
Created by Jen Fabbi (Unlicensed), last modified on Jul 16, 2019
Date: December 6, 2018
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
12:00 pm | Lunch | Mark Stover | University Student Union - Thousand Oaks Room |
1:00 pm | Brief introductions and Updates | All | Welcome from Stella Theodoulou, Interim Provost Update from Executive Committee: February meeting 28 Feb and 1 March - just hold 1 March - unhold 28 February |
1:30 pm | Committee Updates - EAR
- Scholarly Communication
- STIM & Tiipasa Task Force
- Student Success
- ULMS Steering Committee
| Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed) Adriana Popescu (Unlicensed) Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) Tracy Elliott (Unlicensed) Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) |
Student Success Committee Update.docx ULMS Steering Committee Annual Report (2017-18).pdf EAR - Michele Van Hoeck - Ebook pilot project - PDA pilot very successful - takes a lot of chapter views to trigger a purchase - see in the report - concern for volume of chapter downloading - maybe do with Springer
- Streaming media subcommittee - Kanopy - very popular - pricing model of concern - PDA - triggering some concern - subcomm asked CO to broach Q of more public library type subscription - more rationed - certain number of films a month - see if we can get that - any way of knowing what our users would think - rationale
- Tracy Gilmore - prelim work in the spring - concern re ECC - now at CSULB - excel work useful reports because cost per use - cost per resource
- Underused resources that could benefit from advertising but also for advocacy - this is what it’s costing us per article - time to set up report
- Usage stats project - not just total numbers - cost per use - what does it cost per article
- New interest WOS vs SCOPUS - feel stuck with three year contract
ScholComm - 3topics - rely heavily on coordination - Create framework
- Create informational website on copyright
- Reviewed by subcomm - see link in the report
Also some questions remain - do we need campus faculty input before we launch?
- contact?Want to entertain questions but how handle - listserv? Participants from all questions? How do we distribute?
- do need a listserv for people answering questions - so people you can consult - but listserv not public
- Patrick can send list of contacts to be updated and ScholComm can maintain the timeliness of the list
- Develop and Deploy copyright first responders and training curriculum - bring back for budget discussion
- Support OA user and workforce education
- Create website
- Beyond the green and gold models
- Develop and conduct ORCID
- Digital punlishing at CSU libraries
- Explore OJS and its potential
STIM and Tipasa Task Force - Tipasa is a subgroup - has done a great job - Illiad will be maintained for some time - Lauren Magnusson - review in 2020
- Library IT meeting - joint meeting -
- Managed data - maker convening at Sonoma end of May
- LOCKSS in the CSU - David Walker and problem with storage - Kevin Jeffrey - who has lockboxes and will they continue to maintain - SDSU
- Code for Lib in SJSU - may have CSU get together - chat on technology channels
- Keep content secure - mantaining our own copies of things we would be concerned bout losing -
- Unique collections
- Subscribed content for post-cancellation subscriptions - able to access - restarting the conversation - Supposed to update what goes into the LOCKSS Box - prospective - need to stay on top of - some delicacy
- Two failed attempts at LOCKSS system-wide
Student Success - Tracy Elliott - Trying to find coordinator for study tracks study for student success - Lily Luo at SJSU - background in academic library research - practice - research design in - enhancing library academic and research skills - be better researcher
- IRDL no longer being funded - participating campuses - we can collect the data; Person to do data collection - institutional data folks - willing to take data you collected - identifier is course section number - pull students and the pull student success - fall to fall retention - are those good student data points - do the folks who own the data willing to share - need to get their agreement - SJSU won’t approve unless know all 19 campuses on board - reps to sign - they will contribute and approval Inst Effectiveness - done get IRB at own institution - once umbrella IRB should be able to submit to campus and get you an exemption. Draft form and how to be presented - send out docusign - Want to begin data collection in summer - Project Information Literacy
ULMS - Carlos - Annual report on the website
- Looking at more system-wide
- Enhancement process - make some slight changes - what are other consortia doing - goal is to ensure collective anhencement requests are moved forward by ex libris - begins in the spring - send out more requests - not ask for system-wide ehancement request
- Leading up to implementation issues re policies and governance ULMS - no new policies - were policies last year - not clear what was recommended and what was required - manage better page re what approved - etc. Discovery team looking at UX related recommendations - enhancements for Primo.
- Functional committees meeting on their own
- Still exploring how to provide training and continuing education - very well-received
- Community colleges are moving to ULMS/Ex Libris
2:00 pm | Shared Print Report and Recommendation | Karen Schneider (Unlicensed) |
Going alone versus partnering with SCELC Opt in to SCELC "Mutual aid and support" - support in principal, cost borne by individual libraries First wave or cohort; pros and cons Inquire about older Green Glass reports- are they sufficient? Most shared print do a periodic analysis; SCELCs is at five years 14 libraries have soft interest Following motion passes:
Resolved, that the CSU Council of Library Deans commit to pursuing participation in the SCELC Shared Print Program; and be it also Resolved, that the CSU Council of Library deans establish a COLD liaison to the SCELC Shared Print Organizing Group. Resolved, that CSU Libraries wishing to participate in the first cohort notify the COLD Chair of their intention to do so by January 30, 2019 |
3:00 pm | Break |
3:15 pm | Budget | Gerry and Jen | Budget - Cost Recovery Administrative fee - John’s Q re seeing the entire budget for anything that touches libraries
- When we sign in for an opt-in - how are they funded
- Look at alternatives for these services - what are we getting from the CO for these services
- Look at opt-in costs and services
- Need to take the pulse - how far back up this moment
- At the retreat we could get to some closure
- If we agree with the spreadsheet or tell Jerry we want to do something different - and then come up with model
- How do we go about actually getting in front of Loren Blanchard
Topic to be continued next day. |
4:00 pm | Deans Hour: Preparing for Retreat | All Deans |
6:00 | Dinner | TBD |
Date: December 7, 2018
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
8:30 am | Breakfast | Mark Stover | Oviatt Library OV 81 (Ferman Presentation Room) |
9:00 am | Highlight: Oviatt Library's Creative Media Studio | All |
9:30 am | ULMS Analytics Team: Dean's Dash Board | | Lauren Magnuson gave a zoom overview of deans data dashboard and pitched a proposal for Tableau licenses for the Analytics group. |
10:15 am | Break |
10:30 am | ScholarWorks SWAT Team Update | | Two different surveys - institutional repositories and digital archives - two different groups - Internal group
- IR is main focus of ScholarWorks but also interest in digital archives
- Impact of moving from separate campus repositoreies to a single systemwide repository - understand tradeoffs - costs less - fewer resources - at same time local branding and insitutional branding important
- Baseline questions about content, features, ancillary systems, staffing and systems costs campuses have now
- External Group
- How other consortia have strucutrued projects - system platform, staffing, governance, campus involvement, purpose, funding and overal l satisfaction with their current set-up
- Contacts 10 consortia - CDL, CUNY, Texas Digital Library, WRLC - many outsource actual work to other agencies - proprietary systems
- Staffing all over the place - proprietary little support
Timeline - Dec - data analysis
- January discussion - take all the data and make sense of it and come with a rec - demo system - what does it look like to have multiple institutions in single system - especially from admin point of view
- February recommendation to EC and then discuss at virtual meeting in March 1
- Bpress appraoched to offer licenses - are we interested - did get bpress four years ago - - not ready for discussion. Not sure what we want - satisfied with product - consortia using open source or homegrown - initially huge expense in getting started - but once it’s built sort of like solar panels - issue of functionality Samver - ruby on rails - vs. proprietary system
- We’re at the migration stage - what features does Bpress have that Samvera doesn’t - Bpress linkage to Elsevier
11:00 am | Controlled Digital Lending/Open Library Partnership | |
- Controlled digital lending - Internet Archive is ready to do this
- Legal way for users all over the world to access digitized versions of books not purchased like other ebooks - acquired as print and then digitized
- When someone checks out digitized then print version taken out of circulation - mostly for 20thcentury books because 21stcentury books are published as ebooks
- We are signatories to idea of controlled dig lending
- Open Library Initiative - big libraries - big publishers
- Gives patrons a choice - print or digitized - print stats are going down
- Allows non-mediated lending books from one CSU to another
- How does it work
- Upfront cost is creating digital infrastructure
- API uses an ISBN search to find which books library has
- Embed link in Primo matches digitized version
- Users can find materials and check out in digital format.
- Right now open library checks out for 14 days but we can change that - digital disappeas at the end of the 14 days - what do you do with the print version - how ensure not checked out - take off the shelf - leave it on the shelf - read online or download pdf that disappears at the end of the loan period
- Working on mobile app - no authentication necessary - users can access through primo but don’t need to authenticate
Resolved that the CSU COLD commute to investigating participation in the open library network. 18 yes, 1 abstention |
11:30 am | Budget | Deans | Return to previous day's conversation Administrative cost overhead fees: - How do we respond to Gerry's proposal?
- How do we approach cost recovery fees for 19-20?
- Collect questions and send to Gerry
- Some had major concern about use of lottery fees to pay hidden fees
Guiding principles from Executive Committee: - Transparency
- Accountability
- Related to Strategic Plan
- Equitable
- Shared governance - reaffirming the need for COLD to share in the governance of cost recovery fees
We will gather information and begin to address in January at the retreat. |
12:00 | Lunch | All |