The purpose of the CSU Cooperative Chat Working Group is to identify areas of collaboration and best-practices for the system-wide library reference chat service. The working group will:
assess the benefits of chat reference to our campuses and patrons;
explore the implementation of scheduled CSU-wide reference coverage;
develop best-practices and support materials;
explore the need for technical and programming support;
develop a communication pipeline for vendor support;
explore the implementation and review of patron feedback; and
explore the analysis and reporting of chat usage.
Membership and responsibilities
The CSU Cooperative Chat Working Group will report to the Systemwide Technology Initiatives Management (STIM) Committee.
The working group will consist of seven members, including:
at least one member of the STIM committee,
the CSU LibChat coordinator,
and five members invited by the STIM chair.
The work of the group will be undertaken over the course of 12 months at which time it will report its progress to the STIM Committee. At the end of that period the working group’s charge will be revisited and adjusted.