
Discussion items

Introduction of new Fulfillment Committee GroupChristine Evans

Rolling membership

  • Some members have a 2 year term, others have a single year term so there will always be some overlap in membership.
  • Currently there are 3 members from the implementation phase of the project
 Group format

The group will host weekly meetings and have an open forum at least once per month. Attempt to stagger forums on different days and different times to make sure varying schedules don’t prevent attendance.

Ongoing communication

  • Use Slack! For questions where you’re looking for an immediate response or a quick back and forth to see if someone is experiencing a similar issue.
  • Continue using the access services listserv
  • Confluence website is being re-done/archived and will be available sometime soon
Slack Demonstration to sign up or log in

New UI

Many libraries are enabling it and having people use it on an opt-in basis

Widgets and Analytics

Wondering what widgets people are creating and what analytics queries people are using currently

  • Matthew showed the analytics-based widgets on his login screen.
Other issues, questions, concerns?

Kevin Phillips – wants to create an analytics query for course reserves items that includes number of checkouts. Analytics doesn't seem to provide an option to include zero checkouts - instead it excludes them from the list.

  • Sarina created a report for Monterey Bay that might be of use here. She’ll share it once she’s refined it to meet Kevin’s needs and place it in the analytics shared folder: Community – Reports – Institutions – Calstate

Action items