Created by Christine Evans (Unlicensed), last modified by Chris Lee on Dec 09, 2024
Meeting recording
Recording (Apologies from Mallory, she forgot to hit record until a few minutes into the meeting. See Alma New UI Tips doc on this page to fill in what was missed in the beginning of the new UI demo)
Since Alma is cloud based, some campuses may want to restrict off campus access for some employees. Alma allows restrictions based on IP addresses. Exceptions to log in outside of approved IP addresses can be set up in the employees Alma user account.
Cathe demonstrated how to set-up the IP restrictions and will share documentation.
Please refer to the recording for details.
This section of the recording is from 16:48 until 23:41.
The team is working with a representative (Amanda G. (Unlicensed)) from the Analytics group to create reports and documents that can be shared with all campuses.
Fulfillment analytics training will be given at a future Open Meeting (hopefully January or February).