
Note Taker: Kevin Phillips

Recording : The start time for each demo is noted in the discussion items below.

Discussion items

Request Pickup Configuration-Mallory


  • Sandbox demo by Mallory.

  • Can treat different types of requests in different ways in relation to expiration dates.

  • Set both input and output parameters.

  • Check the output parameter to see if it will mark the item as missing when expired.
  • If you make no rules, there will be automatic rule of expiration of 7 days and mark as missing.
  • There also needs to be a job that is running to act on the rule. This is a scheduled job that can be found in Fulfillment dropdown: Requests – Handle Expiration Step.
  • Documentation link (Configuring Request Pickup Rules
  • Additional notes from Mallory:
    • Double check your Request Pickup Rules to make sure they fit your desired workflows for each type of request. It looked to me when I was trying to understand what was happening after winter break that most campuses had this set at go live and haven't touched it since.

    • One thing missing from the documentation above that I learned via a SalesForce Case: "For any request that appears on the Pick From Shelf list, Alma gives it a default expiration of 7 days. After which, it will be marked missing. These default settings can be overwritten with the rules you configure in Request Pickup Configuration. If there is no customization done within this menu, Alma defaults to the 7 day rule."

    • I have a case open (00640030) because the request types that handle resource sharing requests (ship physically and ship digitally) aren't currently configurable so they expired over winter break which is why I noticed this configuration at all. I also submitted feedback to the documentation team to include information about the 7 day default in the online help.

New enhanced course reserve search that includes e-reserves-Jamie


  • Adding e-resource to reading list is pretty much like adding any other repository citation or brief bib.
  • For repository citation, search through All Titles. Select the resource to add it to your reading list. Can add resource from network zone as well using a network scoped search.
  • The custom course reserves search module will show the location (online) and supply the link.
  • When using the Primo course reserve scope, you will need to wait until the next publishing cycle to see the new item.
  • Workflow documentation in ULMS Wiki under Fulfillment > Workflows: Adding an electronic resource to a reading list

Marking a location as unavailable-Kirstie


  • Setting a location as unavailable is useful if you want request options to show up in OneSearch, even when items are available in your library. These could be be non circulating locations like Reference or Special Collections or limited circulation locations like course reserves.
  • To make this configuration, go to Library level and choose physical locations.
  • Go to ellipsis of location and choose the ‘Unavailable’ type.

Out of box reports: need to more to your own institution-Kevin


  • There were some out of the box reports that were in your Widget object lists that were coming from the Alma directory that no longer work unless they are copied into your institution folder.
  • To take a report and copy it to your institutional folder, simply open up the report and use the ‘Save As’ button on the top right and save it directly to your desired destination.

Lost and Paid Processes-Jamie


  • Turn on the status in Fulfillment-General-Other Settings.
    • Look for Close-Paid-Lost-Loan. Customize it and change it to true.
    • Be sure to save changes.
  • Look in patron record to see lost and paid item. Pay for fine as per usual. Now you no longer have to delete the loan!!!When you look at the item record it will show as lost and paid.
  • Status will show as Lost and Paid in OneSearch.
  • You can create fulfillment set with loan status of lost and paid. Only will show results from when you activate this feature.
  • If item can be returned/found, it will put credit on to the patron’s record. This can be waived if you’ve configured your credits as waivable.
  • Go to CSU analytics in Fulfillment Verified folder to get report of credits that are posted to accounts.
  • You can turn off the refund loan letter in Letter Activity configuration if you don't want the patron to receive this.

Note: Kirstie has also set up Lost and Paid but when scanning an item that had been marked Lost and Paid did not work at all. She has filed a Salesforce Case 00652601. She will keep us updated on this case and FFC will do more testing.

Saved for next open forum (we ran out of time!)