

Working Group

Third Party Integration

Original Task Force: Keven Jeffery (SDSU, lead), Jodi Shepherd (CSUC), Paul Park (CSUS), Jessie Cai (SJSU), Brett Bodemer (Cal Poly SLO)
JavaScript Experts: Khuong Vu (CSUM), Ian Chan (CSUM), Lauren Magnusen (CSUM), Tyler Rogers (SDSU), David Walker (CO), Jeremy Shellhase (CSUH), Ryan Schwab (CSUC)
Report Summary

The task force is continuing to examine adding the functionality to send item information via text message to Primo. Jessie Cai is examining ingesting SpringShare LibGuides into Primo as a data source. We are also looking at the feasibility of adding the LibGuides widget to the results page of Primo.

Action Items