Survey Form


  1. Are you using the resource recommender? If so, what resources are you recommending?
  2. Have you done any local usability testing post-implementation? If so, can you share the results?
  3. What CSS/Javascript modifications have you made?
  4. Have you made any changes to the facets? If so, what adjustments have you made?
  5. Have you made any changes to the default labels? For example, “No Full Text,” or “Sign in for more options.”
  6. Do you provide a direct link in the full record for users to report a problem? If so, do you provide it for all items or only for specific items? (ebooks, articles, etc)
  7. Have you customized the homepage? What did you change?
  8. Please provide the reasons for the changes you’ve made to the Primo UI.
  9. We’re compiling best practices. Is there anything you do in your set-up that you’ve had good results from and you’d recommend others adopt? Or anything others should avoid?

CSU Environmental Scan