Date |
Working Group | Technical Services Working Group |
Task Force | ERM Task Force |
Report Summary | Complete list of 2017 Objectives page set up and updated. ERM creating How-to check list to help with and support the ExL Health Check List libraries are currently filling out. Task Force notified that first draft of Health Check List due to ExL on February 15, 2017. Will have complete How-to list by February 17, 2017. SDLC creating vendor records in the NZ instance to prepare for Go-Live. Records are being added and updated daily. Getting vendor codes from financial office and adding to vendor records. Started work on the P2E Recommendations for e-journals and e-books. ERM working with CAT TF on policy for cataloging single purchase e-journals and e-books. Added new objective -Set up SFX readiness page. Starting Model 1 sample workflow of ERM and ACQ tasks. Working on workflows for Model 2 and 3 for SDLC. Continued updated post-migration Task and Check lists. |
Description | Vendor records being created in NZ and using vendor codes supplied by CO. Goal is to have records available for all of the ECC/Opt-in vendors before Go-Live. ERM is going to discuss the P2E recommendations in the TS Open Forum. A list of recommendations were created to clarify items (electronic resources) that may not be in SFX and need to be migrated to Alma. Set up an SFX readiness page, description of what should be done in SFX prior to migration to decrease workload in Alma post-migration. Make sure the proxy, auto-activate, auto-update are set up correctly, deactivate targets no longer in use, check merged target list. List other items that can be done ahead of migration; make sure access to all Alma IP's are open, locate Elsevier auto-load token to use in Alma, create list of vendors that will need to be contacted to update link resolver URL. How-to List set up to coincide with ExL Health Check List, users can locate relevant documentation, videos and webinars for ERM tasks they may not feel comfortable doing or haven't had enough training to do task. Michelle and Greg are going to work with Moon on creating a sample workflow for ERM and ACQ tasks for Model 1. Lisa sent the Sacramento workflow, going to use to set up one possible way to order an e-collection and activate the collection. Going over the procedures for Model 2 and Model 3 to prepare for SDLC April training. |
Action Items | Work with CO Financial Office to information needed for complete NZ vendor records. Clarify e-book recommendations migration and cataloging individual e-books and collections in the future. How TS Open Forum on e-books. Complete the How-to list to compliment the ExL Health Check list, due Complete the P2E recommendations, due Hold TS Open Forum discussion on P2E recommendations on Work on sample workflow for Model 1. Finish workflows for Model 3 and prep for SDLC training in April. Discuss Descriptive Records and Provider-Neutral records in TS Open Forum, what should and should not be migrated and included in P2E form. |