ULMS Technical Services : ERM Task Force

Project Owner: Jessica Hartwigsen, Co-Chair & Stacy Magedanz, Co-Chair

Report NZ ERM issues using this form.

Overall Status


Major Milestones

StageComplete ByStatus
Electronic Resources Slack Channel and ERM List Serv



P2E Recommendations



SFX Readiness recommendations



How-to List for pre-Go Live



Clarify e-book Recommendations



Clarify processes and procedures for Model 1 & 3 ERM/ACQ handoff -Chart for E-resources and Acquisitions workflow



SDLC/CO processes and procedures for ECC/Opt-in e-collections



Final Approved Policies, Best Practices and Procedures



Final post-migration Task List



Final post-migration Check List



NZ vendor records



ERM Knows Issues


2016 Milestones Completed

Policies, Procedures and Best Practices- Final Draft



Policies, Procedures and Best Practices 1st Draft



Prep for August Workshops-Policies and Procedures



E-book recommendations for final migration



Post-migration Check List



Post-migration Task List



e-book recommendation for Test load



ERM Task Force formed



Project Team


The task force will decide on the policies, best practices, critical functions needed for day-1 go-live for electronic resources in Alma.  This will include ECC/Opt-in and locally subscribed e-collections and e-books.

Initial Goals

  • Create Post-Migration check lists for e-resources
  • Create Policies, Procedures and Best Practices for e-resources
  • Make recommendations for migrating e-books/e-book packages/streaming audio/video

2017 Objectives

  • Known ERM Issues will be tracked and updated.  These are known issues for the electronic resources, mainly in the NZ, that have been reported to ExL.
  • How-to list for pre-"Go-Live".  Use Ex Libris' list of tasks users should know how to do before going live and adapt for ERM/ACQ Models.
  • P2E recommendations for ERM-specific items.  Make recommendations for electronic resources available in both the ILS and link resolver application.
  • Clarify recommendations for e-books.  Provide recommendations for the electronic book process for PDA/DDA, single-title orders and e-book collections, which includes recommendations for P2E.
  • Work with Catalog Task Force for procedures for cataloging individual e-books and e-journals, single subscription titles.  
  • Clarify processes and procedures for Model 1 & 3 ERM/ACQ handoff.  Document recommendations for workflow and processes for Model 1 and 3 electronic resources and acquisitions.  Organize the policies and procedures.  
  • Create chart for electronic resource management and acquisitions to clarify workflow of certain tasks involved in the ERM/ACQ Models.
  • Post-Migration Task and Check lists update and prioritize the tasks on the list.  Items will be prioritized as "essential," "recommend" or "optional." 
  • SDLC/CO processes and procedures for ECC/Opt-in e-collections.  Work with SDLC to create processes about Model 2 and 3 and integrating current SDLC procedures into Alma, including renewals. Possible replacement for Coded Memos.  
  • Create Slack channel for Electronic Resources (#electronic_resources) for questions or comments about ERM process and procedures.  Promote the use of Slack channel for use by libraries to share local processes for electronic collections, e-journals and e-books.
  • Create vendors records for the NZ ECC and Opt-in e-collections. 


The ERM Task Force will investigate and create policies and best practices for the three models of ERM/Acquisitions for the IZ and NZ.  ERM Task Force will also look at the e-books packages in the CZ, the OCLC records for e-books, and vendor records and offer recommendations for the libraries.  The Task Force will also investigate different documentation from current Alma customers to create a list of best practices for activating new e-resources. The Task Force will also investigate adding database-only records in the IZ and NZ.  

Related Activities

Notes from ERM breakout session in Fresno, March 22, 2016

Basecamp Q&A


Alma ERM Resources

Upcoming Tech Services Open Forum ERM Topics for the Spring 2017:

January 6 2017: ERM Policies refresher and review for Fullerton workshop.

Upcoming Tech Services Open Forum ERM topics for the Fall 2016:

September 8: SFX Refresher and preview of Alma NZ admin

September 29: E-book discussion paper

October 13: ERM policy, procedures and best practices rough drafts

December 8: Present "Live" ERM policy, procedures and best practices documents


Tech Servs ERM breakout.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)