Below are a list of titles that can be used to test in Alma. Check if the correct e-resource appears in Alma for each title.
Compare to the targets in SFX, do the same databases appear, both inherited e-resources and locally subscribed e-resources, in the View It window? Check both the IZ (locally subscribed e-resources) and NZ (inherited e-resources) tabs, does the e-portfolio appear in the correct zone?
Also can be used for testing links to the e-resource. Does the portfolio link to the vendor's site? Open up the View It window in Alma and click on the database link.
- Time_0040-781X
- TLS, Times Literary Supplement_0307-661X
- Journal of Biological Chemistry_0021-9258
- Journal of Food Science_0022-1147
- Biochemistry_0006-2960
- Chronicle of Higher Education_0009-5982
- Journal of Economic Perspectives_0895-3309
- Modern Language Review_0026-7937
- The Journal of Psychology_0022-3980
- Slavic Review_0037-6779