To look up cases in SalesForce: Go to Search Cases > Choose MY CONSORTIUM under Case Options > type in Case # in Case Number field > Click on Search.

*Please report NZ ERM issues in the new NZ ERM Problem Reporting form.

*NZ ERM Cases can be seen on Trello.  Cases are public and are organized by Just in, Working on, & Closed. 

*To see cases opened with other vendors (EBSCO, ProQuest, JSTOR, Elsevier, Springer, etc.)

*If there are any issues with accessing resource or a vendor's site is down, it will be reported via email but also on the CSU NZ ERM Facebook and Twitter pages so libraries can share with their patrons.

00490628Nexis Universe has only journal-level linkingAsked Alma Support if the linking level will change for Nexis.  L/N Academic links to the article but Nexis Universe only links to the journal. WITH EX LIBRIS
00398372Lexis/Nexis Academic moving to Nexis Universe

Asked when new e-collection will be added to the CZ. 

Update 10/30/2017: A new collection of Nexis Uni will be added to the CZ in the near future, as soon as we receive an updated title list for this collection. 

Update: Nexis Universe is available in Alma CZ now and active in the NZ.

00474672Available For label and list of libraries do not appear in the list of shared resources in the NZ in the new UI.  The label appears in the NZ admin but not in the library instances.  The list does appear in the old Alma UI.  Would like this same label and list to appear in new UI.

ExL is investigating the missing label and list for "Available For"

Update 10/11/2017: I will go ahead and forward this case along to Tier 2 for further analysis. One of my colleagues will be in touch with an update.

Update 10/12/2017: from ExL -I am working on this with our developers.

Update 11/15/2017: From ExL - This issue will be resolved in the December 2017 release.

Update 1/12/2018: Issue has been fixed.

00468193CSUS is seeing JSTOR e-collections they do not subscribe to in Collection Available for queries.  *Seems to be an ongoing issue.

ExL did not initially see the issue, sent more information about the query results and seeing resources listed that are not shared.

Update 9/22/2017: It might be an indexing issue. I will go ahead and set up the indexing job to run, and will check on it later this afternoon. I may have to refer your additional questions to Tier 2 once we see if the indexing job is successful in displaying the correct availability. 

Update 10/3/2017: "It seems that for some collections, the group settings data was set on the service level. The available for is expected to be displayed when searching for the collection, but for some reason it doesn't.
I found that if you open the collection for editing and then save, the "available for" data will be displayed also for the collection.  I ran a job to re-save all the collections in the NZ. As far as I checked, the issue is now solved.  There are not expected be any further indexing issues with the existing e-collections. If it will happen again, please let us know."

Update: 10/10/17 Case has been closed by ExL

00465203Elsevier Science Direct Electronic Holdings Upload job did not finish

The holdings job that are uploads the CSU holdings from Elsevier to Alma did not finish. The Science Direct e-collection in the NZ is out of date.  Waiting to hear back from ExL on the Alma job.

UPDATE 9/6/17: At this time I will send the case to Tier 2 for further analysis and consultation with Development.

UPDATE 9/11/2017: the job was fixed, a field for the Elsevier API needed to be updated in Alma.  Elsevier made a change on their end and Alma had to re-map the field for the change.

00461025Information for IEEE XML Gateway Users- IEEE announced a new IEEE Xplore API to replace the IEEE XML Gateway which will be shutdown on January 6, 2018

Update: Thank you for sharing this issue. I will refer this question to the Alma Data Services team. It is possible that they are already looking into this issue.

Update: 9/11/2011:  Waiting for Data Services reply

Update: 9/19/2017 - The case was assigned to our linking team who will further investigate and update you with any new information.

Update: 11/16/2017: Asked for an update to see if this will affect Primo/Alma linking to IEEE.  January 6th, 2018 date is getting closer.

Update: 12/11/2017: It appears that the IEEE Xplore API does not affect linking in Alma. The API deals with the way IEEE receives search queries from outside sources. However, the linking to IEEE from our side are not based on such queries.

00449003Waiting for Ebook Central AutoLoad option to work in the NZShould be available in September depending on testing.  Waiting to hear back from ExL if this is an option for our Ebook Central e-collections.  . Is a closed case but still waiting to hear if this is a feature now.



00449001NZ e-resources displaying in Primo, even though suppressed 

On Tuesday a couple of us suppressed a set of e-resources in the NZ because these shouldn't display in Primo for all campuses. These now appear as suppressed in the NZ in Alma, but campuses are still seeing them in Primo. Is there something else that needs to be done to suppress these records from display in campus Primo instances? Here are some examples:

8/8/17 UPDATE: EXL will be periodic removal of duplicate records.  Records that are supposed to be suppressed have duplicates that are not suppressed.

Update 8/9/2017: ExL has moved this to "development"



00448082The order link is appearing for resources that a library is not sharing and is not included in the negotiated license.

Logged into the SJSU instance and can see an Order link for a shared e-collection only shared by CSULB and CSUMB.

Update: Known issue and is in development.

UPDATE 7/12/2017: "We have already reported this to development a long ago. Unfortunately, currently this cannot be fixed because of performance considerations. 

Institution will not be able to purchase resource as system will block the action. The following message should show up for operator: "This resource cannot be ordered by this member – no negotiation details were found in the License Negotiation". "



00446209logging into Westlaw from Alma/Primo off-campus goes to Westlaw but does not display any content for the journal. The content for the journal is available from on campus.



00436939the Available For label disappears and reappears for NZ e-collections.

ExL is indexing the NZ and the labels will come and go. Should finish tomorrow.

UPDATE: the case is closed but there are still occurrences, more than likely due to indexing.



00435097There are two Chico institutes in the NZ Group Settings.

Two Chico institutes were created for the Group Settings during migration. There is Chico and there is CSUC. The CSUC is the correct institute. Access should not be affected but resources being shared under "Chico" need to be moved over to CSUC.

UPDATE: moved all NZ shared e-resources to CSUC institute group settings.



00434665there are about 36 title in EBSCO Ebooks that are not linking to the correct ebook in EBSCO.

The portfolios with the incorrect parse param were activated during the migration. Alma Data Services has been notified of the incorrect parse param. The correct portfolios should be activated but if more appear, please notify Jessica Hartwigsen (NZ Electronic Collections administrator) 6/25/17

UPDATE:In general, incidents are handled in the order they are received, taking relative priority into account. I will update you as significant progress is made. UPDATE: no new update from ExL on this case. 8.22.17

UPDATE: 9/11/2017 - Issue is at the vendor's end.  ExL opened a case with the vendor and are waiting for a corrected file from them.  

UPDATE 11/15/2017: case has been closed,issue resolved.



00435017When doing an advanced search Collection Available For Equals <library name> E-collections appear with no library listed although they are the correct shared e-collections for that library.

ExL is looking at issue.

UPDATE: indexing fixed the advanced search options



00433736Unable to add portfolios to the local Emerald Engineering e-collection. This collection is for those libraries that did not renew Emerald Engineering in 2012.ExL sent an updated file but that did not work. They are now going to troubleshoot the issue in the NZ



00431889NZ vendor records shared with IZ. Asked ExL if there is a way to remove these from the IZUpdate from ExL: They will need to be removed manually as there is no batch option to delete vendors. Update from ExL: I don't believe it should(removing vendor records), but we should try it with a minimally impactful vendor once to verify. Waiting to test. *Need a volunteer library to remove a NZ shared vendor record. UPDATE: There is no option to remove these records. Need to keep the inactive.



00430028Chinese characters appears as ????? under the Interface facet

Electronic portfolio where keywords contain Environmental humanities in the CZ and then under the Interface facet, the Chinese characters are appearing as ?????.

Update: ExL has escalated this issue. Update: Issue has been escalated.

Update (6.30.17):
This is a known issue with CJK characters. 

Update (8/17/17): No new information for this case#

Update: 9/11/2017: with Development



00430934missing institute in the Group Settings for an e-collection in the NZThe library is missing from the list Group Settings of a shared e-collection so they are seeing "My Institution" next to e-collection. Waiting to hear back if this can be corrected before Group 3 is linked to the NZ. Update from ExL: missing institutes can be added to the Group Settings.



00430785ebrary links not linking to ebook title from the NZ

Update from ExL: We will continue to see the redirect issue until we can migrate over to the new Ebook Central collection.

Update: It appears the links to ebrary are working correctly but may stop and try to redirect to Ebook Central. ExL is working on this collection which is causing some linking issues. Waiting for full migration to the new platform. Make sure the EZProxy settings are current for ProQuest. UPDATE: check EZPROXY stanzas.



00429971DIRECT LINKING IN ALMA: Links in View It NZ resources directed to incorrect resource and asking for login

Chico is being directed to EBSCO login page from portfolios activated in other resources. Also, EBSCO portfolios are going to login page for subscribed EBSCO resources.

Update: Direct Linking causes issues with the View It and Uresolver linking in the NZ tab. Fulfillment > Fulfillment Configuration > Configuration Menu > Direct Linking

UPDATE: Direct Linking Alma does not work-not a function of Alma.  Refer to Basecamp case: .



00429924Shared collection in the NZ tab not appearing in the View It menu for San MarcosExample: Factiva does not appear in the View It menu for the portfolio Ottawa West News . Update from ExL: The reason may be that not all linking processes are finished. I would suggest to check later today. 



00429546Unable to save linking parameters for Safari Tech Books in NZ.Unable to save UICODE alone, L/P is asking for SHIB parameter and we have never used that in SFX to link to Safari. Some libraries are able to link to Safari from the NZ and some are still unable. Could be due to updating EZProxy settings. Update: will be fixed in July 2017 release . UPDATE: check EZProxy stanza



00429400List of migration issues for the electronic collections in the NZ.

Spreadsheet sent to ExL with list of collections that did not migrate from SFX to the NZ in Alma. Also included were e-collections that did not match the number of portfolios in SFX. The third issue was missing date thresholds. There are 130 missing local date thresholds between the two subscription Wiley collections. Also there are about 3000 portfolios missing the end date in the date threshold.

Update from ExL: Portion of thresholds missing are in Elsevier and we can use autoload to fix that issue. Missing collections can be activated after all libraries have their data linked. Portfolio counts can be corrected by removing the portfolios from the collection and adding them back into the NZ from the CZ. This issue would also include a title that is not active but should be active in a collection. It will be corrected when every library is linked to the NZ.

UPDATE: portfolio counts are corrected by activating all of the portfolios from the CZ. Wiley: date thresholds will be updated by ExL. They started on   EBSCO ebooks: there were 36 titles with the incorrect jkey. Those should be inactive and the correct portfolio active. Missing e-collections: are currently being added. Emerald Engineering 2012 has been added. Missing ProQuest Historical Newspapers have also been added.



00411739Search for Electronic Portfolios > Keywords in the NZ. The CZ icon appears for a portfolio (example: ergonomics) but if you go to the CZ, the NZ icon disappears

Update - this remains under analysis by Alma Tier 2 Support.


September update - still with Development.

UPDATE: This issue is resolved in the next release, November 2017. I will set this case to a status of pending release, it will automatically go into a status of closing a few weeks after the release.

UPDATE: The November release did not fix this issue.  It was sent back to the developers.

UPDATE: Issue fixed with November 5th, 2017 release. Release schedule

UPDATE: Latest comment from ExL- I discussed this further with our developers, it seems that this is the expected behavior. See 991067620770302901 (when searching in SJSU) the portfolio is not available for San Jose, it is not in the IZ tab, so the expected behavior is that the icon is not seen in the CZ tab. Note that the group settings are on the service level not the portfolio level. 



00230491 The Group Settings>Linking parameters in the NZ do not work. Libraries sharing Factiva in the NZ are not able to connect to Factiva.ExL states the issue will not be resolved until Q3 2017 (July 2017)



🔺 Final Migration Issues 🔺

00348789unable to add new fiscal years to the mapping table in the NZ. Only have one fiscal year available in the NZ admin.Current Status:Tier 2 UPDATE: issue has been resolved



00409645Unable to set up ERIC and ProQuest Dissertations in the NZ GES configurations and have them pushed down to the other instances.This is an enhancement request, release date unknown. Update from ExL: Your case has been linked to the enhancement but we also generally close cases once that's done as we can't provide release updates on things like that. 



00369283Unable to pull up license details for the licence link in the NZ portfoliosUPDATE: There will be a new parameter in the June 2017 release that will fix the problem. I will note to set this up in the NZ once you have the June release, which should be right before Go Live for Group 1.  License link works from the NZ tab View It menu. Will test when licenses are added to the NZ.


00349160Unable to locate the FUND in the dropdown menu or Fund search in the POL in the NZ



00203808‘Available For’ groups for e-resources are not displaying consistently.  UPDATE: is now missing for more NZ e-collections.  Look at Collection Available For facet to confirm your library is sharing e-collection. UPDATE: fixed in Q1 2017 Update: fixed in May 2017 release UPDATE: 3/2/2017-ExL states the issue is fixed. Initial testing states the label is appearing.


00228090Network Zone search displays duplicate results Usually indicated by a greyed out icon (we are calling these "ghost" records in the NZ). UPDATE: Duplicate collections have been removed from NZ.


00229102Depending on the type of search, the library doesn't appear in the list of CSU's in Collection Available For facetUPDATE & Correction: Ex Libris re-indexed the NZ and thought they had fixed the facets but they haven't been corrected for all e-resource. UPDATE: ExL-We will continue to work on the problem internally. UPDATE: will be fixed in May 2017 release (1.30.17)


00230721/ 00235166/ 00235445/



Proxy login not appearing for e-resources in the NZ when e-collection needs linking parameters.UPDATE: with Development UPDATE: "The development team recently confirmed that this issue is currently scheduled to be resolved in the 2nd quarter of this year prior to the scheduled cut over for the Cal State project." Update: Proxy issues have been resolved.


00236266 /00230721 Proxy login not appearing for e-resources in the NZ that do not require linking parameters.UPDATE: with Development. Update: will be fixed in May 2017 release Update: issue has been resolved.


00230491Unable to set up linking parameters for Factiva 

CSU only uses SID parameter and according to notes, if you use SID, do not fill in the other parameters but Alma won't let use same parameters with only SID.

UPDATE: Ex Libris able to repeat error, issue sent to developers. UPDATE: will be fixed Q2 2017


00230811Wiley Online Journal coverage dates in NZ are incorrect.UPDATE: coverage dates were incorrect in the migration form.  Form will need to be fixed before last migration. UPDATE: script was fixed for nonExL form. UPDATE (10/4/2016): new script still did not load the correct date thresholds for Wiley Online Library. Changes still being made to the nonExL form, to also make it easier to load select pkg titles UPDATE: (3/3/2017) ExL still working on the Wiley local thresholds. Both Wiley targets have customized thresholds and migration form is having hard time exporting correct dates UPDATE: migration form export program has been adjusted to grab the local thresholds for the two Wiley targets.


00231285CSUN seeing No Full Text Available message when clicking on View It in NZ e-Resources.  

Same for CSUF, CSUSM, STANISLAUS,SDSU.  See the issue in Primo.

What caused issue:

Initial problem was caused by NZ parameter set incorrectly for a number of institutions. The parameter is 'retrieve_services_from_NZ'. It is defined under Administration - General Configuration - Other Settings. I checked all institutions. They all should have this parameter correct now. 

UPDATE: Ex Libris is able to recreate the problem on their server, sending issue to developers. UPDATE: The retrieve_services_from_NZ parameter was incorrectly set in the NZ General Configurations. Number of institutions was incorrectly set in the configuration.


00234556PLOS - Public Library of Science Free is a merged target in SFX but does not appear in the NZ and unable to locate in the CZUPDATE: PLOS is incorrectly coded as a physical item, being sent to data services team. UPDATE: target will be included in the SFX migration form for the Chancellor's instance


00235510SFX Chancellor's instance locally created (LCL) targets do not migrate to Alma. Will need to be set up manually and linked to the CZ.


N/AWhen setting ‘Available For’ groups in the NZ for the Service level and passing special parameters (like CUST_ID or CLIENT_ID) from the Available For group, the special parameter is not being passed to the service.  The issue results in the following – for example, CUST_ID will not be copied from the Available For groups in the NZ to the parser URL.


00235440Gale Cengage Shakespeare Collection Periodicals-parse param needs to be updated, the linking from this e-resource is not working UPDATE: It now appears as if a change was made by Gale for this collection. I am forwarding this case our Publisher Relations support team so that they may contact Gale for updated linking instructions. We will let you know once we have a significant update. UPDATE: Gale have responded that they "will need to deploy a fix for this issue. The target release date for this fix is scheduled for 10/13/16, however this date is subject to change." There is nothing that can be done on Alma end. Problem should be resolved on the Gale side. 


00237902Shared e-resources do not appear in list of resources from IZ Display Logic configuration
  • UPDATE: Support checking with Alma Product Management
  • 9/27/2016 UPDATE: Shared resources cannot be added to Display Logic in a local Alma instance.
  • Enhancement Request submitted with Ex Libris Product Enhancement
  • IZ Display Logic has precedence over NZ Display Logic


00347071Records for images from Bridgeman Education appear in search results from PCI, even if the library did not include the resource in the PCI API profile.


00238022Orphaned portfolios-portfolios not linked to NZ or CZ-caused by deleting a resource but portfolios left activeResolved by re-indexing the Alma data


00234934getSelectedTargets were not migrated to NZ from SFX ChancellorgetSelected targets will be aded to non-ExL migration form


00235755Westlaw is not linking correctly, the parse param needs to be updated to link to the e-resourcewaiting for vendor input for correction to parse param UPDATE: The linking syntax was created according to the vendor's instructions, and we apologize that it is not working for you. We have already contacted Westlaw with a request for updates on the linking syntax. Unfortunately, they have not yet responded. 
I am forwarding this case to the Publisher Relations for follow-up. 
We will update you with significant progress.  Update: case is still open, waiting for Westlaw to reply to ExL.  Currently using the correct URL for Westlaw as a local setting in the NZ.


00330222shared resources not appearing for San Marcos in the NZ under the Available For facetSan Marcos needs to be added to group settings in the NZ instance and non-ExL form needs to be updated to include both San Marcos and Sacramento in the list of shared resources in the NZ instance

00235448ebrary Academic Complete is not working from the NZThe issue is that parser parameter on Available For Groups does not pass to the service for NZ resources. ExL says the issue will be resolved before go-live. Issue has been escalated and will be working before go-live



00234945SLO is unable to link to Gale Academic Onefile form the NZ View It. I checked the LOC ID in the Group Settings and SLO confirmed they are correct. ExL reports this issue will be fixed in the May 2017 release


00235443 /00234945/ 00234946 / 00235442The GALEGROUP_BUSINESS_INSIGHTS_ESSENTIALS database is not linking correctly in the NZ. It appears the linking parameters are not being passed. There are several cases opened for Gale databases not working in the NZ. All issues are related Gale Cengage Nursing Resource Center NZ
The issue reported has been resolved. The fix is scheduled for the May 2017 Release. 


00232972Stanislaus has a record in the IZ that is electronic and says it was migrated from SFX, not the library catalog. 
I found the title, ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASOUND, in their SFX instance and it is activate in their PubMed Central SFX target.
this is part of the message Stanislaus sent me: 
This brief record somehow got loaded into our test instance. It doesn’t come from the NZ since it is not linked and has no OCLC number. When I look up the title in the NZ, I don't see a record that looks similar to the one I look up in the IZ. Is the record incorrect or is that how the record should look in the IZ/ 
I think there might be isolated issues of some records not matching correctly. I took a look at the Ethos example and while the first record returned in the IZ search did not link to the CZ correctly, all the other records with the CZ icon did match. UPDATE: I'm more than happy to relink for them, but they might want to do this themselves for practice as there may be other times in the future that they would like to do relinking. 


00240006I'm testing the proxy in Primo and noticed that Sacramento has more than one Academic Search e-collection listed in their results for the title I'm using: 
The journal for spiritual and consciousness studies. I have them listed as sharing Academic Search Premier in the NZ. I see two descriptive records for both Academic Search Premier and Complete in their IZ in Alma but no portfolios listed. 
I'm seeing both Academic Search Premier and Complete in the Primo search results. Am I seeing both because of the descriptive record in the IZ? 

Academic Search Premier (ASP) (EBSCOhost Academic Search Premier) should not appear in Alma. I assume this is Sacramento Alma environment copy issue. This collection doesn't appear in Sacramento production server as active collection. It was deleted. 
I'll report this issue to migration team. 


00236312discrepancies in the total number of portfolios active for a particular target in SFX vs the e-collection in the NZExL made adjustments to the export program for the Chancellor's instance. The program has been adjusted to export the correct number of titles.


00237904Is it possible to change public service names ("Full Text Available" label)?It is not currently possible to update individual e-collection public service names in Alma. The label can be changed for all e-collections but not each individual e-collection service Fulfillment Configuration -> Discovery Interface Display Logic -> Labels


00234919 / 00234927ProQuest Newsstand National Newspapers did not migrate from SFX Chancellor's instance, was not in the non-ExL form.  Electronic Collection is available in CZ. There were other ProQuest targets that did not migrate included in the other casesMigration form has been corrected and the collection will be included in the form.


00235505SAGE_OPEN_ACCESS_JOURNALS unable to locate in electronic collections in Alma but is a target in the Chancellor's instance in SFX.  Did not appear in the SFX non-ExL migration form.Migration form has been corrected and the collection will be included in the form.


00234932We have two Open Access Wiley Online Journals 2016 targets in SFX but they are not appearing in the NZ in Alma. 
Are WILEY_ONLINE_LIBRARY_FREE_2016 and WILEY_ONLINE_LIBRARY_OPEN_ACCESS_2016 e-collections available in Alma? 
UPDATE: Wiley targets will be added to SFX migration form -case closed


00234928RACO_REVISTES_CATALANES_AMB_ACCESS_OBERT_FREE is a merged target in SFX that did not migrate to Alma.  It is not available in the Alma as an electronic collection.There is a descriptive record available in the CZ but no portfolios attached. UPDATE:  ExL can find this collection in CZ. Descriptive record number 995553675700041. 
It is also included in most recent non-exl link resolver activation form. 


00234922Norart Open Access did not migrate from SFX to Alma NZ.  collection added to the migration form.


00235504We have this target in SFX, MEDIND_INDIAN_MEDLARS_CENTRE_FREE , but we are unable to locate this in Alma. Is not in the non-ExL form from the Chancellor's instance.collection will be added to Non ExL Chancellor's instance migration form


00234921In SFX we have this target active, IEEE Xplore Open Access Journals and Conferences, in the Chancellor's instance but it did not migrate to Alma. I don't see a matching e-collection in Alma. the migration form for the Chancellor's instance has been updated


00235444In Alma, the total number of portfolios for Galegroup Opposing Viewpoints is 353 but in SFX we have 1599 portfolios for the same target. Does Alma need to be updated? ExL: update the e-collection by deleting the current portfolios and linking to the CZ portfolios. Post Migration: check this e-collection after the final migration to see if it is setup correctly in Alma


00234924Parlamentos Autonomicos Espanoles Free did not migratethe collection was added to the migration form for the Chancellor's instance


00234930TIMARIT_FREE, in the Chancellor's instance but we are unable to locate the e-collection in Alma.collection was added to the migration form for Chancellor's instance


00234933unable to locate e-collection ZHURNALNYJ ZAL FREEcollection was added to the migration form for Chancellor's instance


00235509SPRINGER_LINK_OPEN_ACCESS_EBOOKS was not activate during migration collection was added to the migration form for Chancellor's instance


00241177 asked for a list of what indexes a repository search for e-collections are searchingAll of the "titles" search types search the bib record. The difference between "All titles" and "Electronic titles" (and "Physical titles") is that "All titles" searches all bib records (including those with electronic inventory, physical inventory, and no inventory at all). "Electronic titles" searches all bib records with electronic inventory.