ULMS Technical Services : ERM Task Force Meeting Notes October 5, 2016
Created by Jessica Hartwigsen, last modified on Oct 05, 2016
Agenda and notes from meeting
- CO Team Action Item: write notes for each meeting and post on wiki along with recording
- ERM doesn’t officially meet that often, usually discuss via email and slack but will post meeting records and notes on wiki
- CO Team Action Item: set up communication between EAR and ERM
- Most members of ERM attend EAR meetings, including both ERM TF co-chairs
- CO Team Action Item: Compare SFX to Alma
- Need more information and may be as training progresses, there won’t be a need for a comparison
- ERM Policies
- Share policies with Tech Services Working Group
- Going to share with Tech Services Working Group open forum on October 6, 2016
- Ask for feedback on content
- Does content need clarifying? Is something missing your library would like to see a recommendation for?
- Share with other Working Groups
- OK with sharing with other Working Groups as long as everyone knows, they are rough, rough drafts.
- e-Book update
- Any offline replies about e-books?
- Nothing from libraries after the TS Open Forum
- Comparing records for e-books
- Vendor vs OCLC vs CZ
- Alma and Primo compare?
- TF will do a comparison of e-books records
- Hoping new PQ records being added with help with lack of “good enough” records for ebrary and Safari
- Standardized names for NZ e-resources and service public name (Full Text Available…)
- Recommendations for both NZ/IZ?
- Send out survey?
- Leave names as-is. If no one complains about the names, then no need to change. Will wait and see as more people use Primo and see e-resource names.
- Workflows for policies
- When do we ask Mallory, when we are closer to finalizing the policies or ASAP?
- Jessica will follow up with Mallory, send some initial information, do we need workflow if the ExL documentation is OK.
- Need workflow if MN Toolkit Troubleshooting workflow doesn’t cover everything
- ERM Troubleshooting Team post-migration
- Need to write policy for COLD introduction for a general collaborative agreement
- Write up draft on tiered support for NZ e-resources –joint collaborative team with a catalog team. Use Orbis form as starting point for libraries. A place to start if someone doesn’t know where the problem originates.
- Chris B. brought up question from SDSU about recommendations for perpetual access journals. Do we have any? Do we need any? Discuss with ACQ TF if information in kept in the order record?