ULMS Technical Services : March 17, 2017 Status Report
Created by Jessica Hartwigsen, last modified on Mar 17, 2017
Date | |
Working Group | |
Task Force | ERM |
Report Summary | E-book collections and vendor-provided record policy updated and completed Workflow for Model 1 Task and Check Lists -updating with new information, links and adding statuses to each entry SFX Readiness -update with CCC GIN information ERM Known Issues -add to goals and objectives Single purchase e-book and e-journals not in the CZ (work with CAT TF)
Description | - The ERM TF along with the CAT TF and the Tech Services Leads discussed some changes made to the e-book collection and vendor-provided policy. The final policy stands at that libraries will order from the CZ when possible. If a library does download vendor-provided bib records, they will need to load these into the IZ. If a library wishes to share these locally loaded bib records, the local collection can be shared in the CZ and maintained by the library. Other libraries are then able to use the local collection from the CZ. These local collections will not be loaded into the NZ. The ERM TF, CAT TF and Tech Services Leads would like to work with the Discovery Leads and appropriate task forces on the discoverability of e-books and streaming media records. A note was added to the policy to remind all committees that although a record might not be enhanced in Alma, it does not mean it is not discoverable in Primo because of the indexes in Primo Central.
- Workflow for Model 1 ERM/ACQ was drawn up and posted on the wiki. It displays a general workflow of the combined acquisitions (ordering) and electronic resources (activating) for Model 1. Rationale behind a general workflow is that libraries do ordering and activating is various ways but this will hopefully help libraries see how the ordering and activating occur in Alma. Also it will hopefully help the technical services areas see where tasks occur and the overlap of duties between acquisitions and electronic resources departments.
- The TF continues to update the post-migration Task and Check lists with items. These are action items that will have to be completed post-migration for electronic resources, mainly those resources migrated from SFX but can be used for those migrating from Summon.
- The SFX Readiness document has been update to include the CCC GIN information. What is needed from SFX and will need to be set up in Alma. The CCC GIN targets do not migrate from SFX to Alma.
- ERM Known Issues were updated with the latest from ExL. New items were added and a link to the Known Issues page was added to the Goals and Objective pages for ERM. The rationale is that some of these issues might affect Primo. Also it will help the ERM folks keep track of issues that should be resolved in May or July.
- The ERM TF along with the CAT TF, the ACQ TF and the Tech Services Leads are continuing their discussions on procedures and policies for single e-book purchases, the one-off's. There are two possible processes for ordering single e-books. A decision has not yet been made on what the best process should be.
Action Items | Continue discussions with the CAT TF, ACQ TF and Tech Services Leads about the single e-book purchases. Continue to update the Post-Migration Task and Check lists for electronic resources. Continue to update the SFX Readiness document as new items come up with SFX. Also, CSUSM and CSUS will need to send in their list of merged targets prior to the SFX Extract. Continue to work on the NZ vendor records and Model 2 and 3 procedures. |