

Working Group

Technical Services

Task Force
Report Summary

e-book recommendations

Loading vendor records for e-books -policy and procedures from CAT TF

Model 3 procedures final draft

SDLC Model 2 training

ERM procedure updates

Post Migration Task and Check Lists

NZ Vendor records


The ERM Task Force, the Catalog Task Force and the Tech Services Leads created a joint policy on e-books use in Alma. When possible, it is recommended libraries use the CZ for e-book packages. If libraries would like to load e-book records from the vendor, these would be loaded into the IZ and not shared in the NZ. There will be an individual e-book purchase policy coming in April. A document was posted to wiki that lists all e-book collections that will be available in the NZ post-migration.

E-book recommendation document has been updated and finalized. E-book recommendations for the IZ and NZ were shared during the TS Open Forum on March 2, 2017.

The procedures for Model 3, one vendor - one database. These are the procedures for the Opt-in resources were SDLC negotiates for only one database from a vendor. The ERM Task Force is still working on the procedures for the scenario when SDLC negotiates multiple databases from one vendor. Waiting for answers from Ex Libris on specific steps needed to show what SDLC pays and what the libraries owes SDLC for the resources.

SDLC is practicing with the two scenarios for Model 2 and the one scenario for Model 3. They are setting up a training session in April with several SoCal libraries. The libraries involved in testing have signed on to meet in April at the CO.

The ERM procedures updates: changed "NZ Administrator" to "Electronic Resource NZ Administrator" in all of the procedures for electronic resources.

The ERM TF continues to update the Post-Migration Task and Check lists. Updating the prioritizing of each task to help libraries determine which tasks should be done first after post-migration.

Work continues on the NZ records for each vendor with which SDLC negotiates. CO accounting is sending needed codes to the task force to complete setting up the CO vendor records.

The SFX readiness document is final but changes are still being added.

Action Items
  • finalize the policy and procedures for loading ebook records from vendors. Waiting for draft from CAT TF.
  • finalize the policy for single e-book and e-journal packages. Waiting for draft from CAT TF.
  • continue work on workflow example for electronic resources and acquisitions. Workflow will show which tasks could be assigned for ERM and ACQ departments.
  • continue finalizing the post-migration Task and Check lists. Still adding items to lists and prioritizing them.
  • finalize meeting between SDLC and SoCal libraries for Model 2 and 3 discussion and training.
  • send out links to finalized documents weekly so everyone is aware of changes or additions.
  • send out new e-book collection list to TS working group and CSU SFX.