
SFX Chancellor's instance freeze: May 5, 2017.  All updates to the Chancellor's instance will stop, there will be no new targets added, no targets deactivated, no title list updates, no local changes to thresholds or parse params.

Data will be exported from the Chancellor's instance the week of May 7, 2017.

Group 1 local SFX instance data will be extracted the weekend of May 6, 2017.  Do not make any changes to local SFX instance after May 5, 2017.  Full Cutover Plan for Group 1.

Group 2 local SFX instance data will be extracted the weekend of May 13, 2017.  Do not make any changes to the local SFX instance after May 12, 2017.  Full Cutover Plan for Group 2.

Group 3 local SFX instance data will be extracted the weekend of May 20, 2017.  Do not make any change to the local SFX instance after May 19, 2017.  Full Cutover Plan for Group 3.

Contact ERM Task Force for questions about SFX clean up.

Recommended Tasks for SFX before freeze:


Enable Alma IPs / IP ranges to allow Alma access to and from your institution.  Please NOTE, the IP ranges are in CIDR notation.

Technical Requirements for Alma and Primo implementation for more information about the IP ranges 

In North America (refers to the Ex Libris Chicago data center): [] [] []

Check the list of merged targets and request changes to the list, merge or unmerge a target from the Chancellor's instance. Also there is a list of shared e-book packages.

Run Incomplete Activation report on server to see if any clean up is needed in the local SFX instance.  If you do not have access to the server-side on SFX, please ask Jessica for the report.

Check local targets for correct proxy activation, auto-update and auto-activate setting.The Incomplete Activation report can help with some of this. It is important that these are correct in SFX, if not, it will affect the updates to the Alma e-resource.

Have Elsevier Auto-Update token ready. If using Elsevier auto-load target in SFX, locate token on the server-side and use in Elsevier auto-load in Alma.Importing Elsevier Holdings - Auto-load configuration in AlmaNote:  SJSU contacted Elsevier Tech Support for the token.  SJSU then set up the integration profile for Importing Elsevier Holdings in Alma.  It's also possible to retrieve a token from Elsevier's Admintool (instructions). The token is good for 3 years.Recommend
CCC Get It Now Targets: GIN Targets do not migrate to Alma. In SFX the targets are getDocDel and Alma only has full text collections. These CCC GIN e-collections will need to be activated post-migration. If your library has been local changes to this target, I highly recommend exporting those changes and importing them in Alma after the e-collections have been set up. These are not shared resources in the Chancellor's SFX instance. Libraries will also need the linking parameters from the SFX target services. These will need to be filled in the Collection Service linking parameters when setting up the collection in Alma.Alma Documentation Managing Electronic Resources - go to the CCC section of the document for setting up the linking parameters. This only applies to those libraries that use CCC Get It Now in SFX. *Reminder these target do not migrate to Alma.See Post-Migration Task List for details about the CCC Get It Now targets and setting up the e-collections in Alma. Sample spreadsheet for importing into Alma. Using Alma e-collection exported file for import.Recommend
Create a spreadsheet that contains the linking parameters from SFX. Linking Parameters (L/P) contain linking data for SFX targets.  SFX Linking Parameters are the same as the Library-Specific Parameters in Alma.

The document SFX Target and Alma E-Collections Configuration Guide provides details for linking information (parser, parse params, etc) by vendors

If you use the Linking Parameters tool in the SFX admin, you can see a list of the active L/P for each target. The L/P (found in the linking information tab from the Edit Service link for electronic material) should migrate correctly from SFX to Alma but if not, then you can extract the details from your spreadsheet.Optional
EBSCO Link Resolver Plug-in

Alma supports the ability to check the validity of the full-text URL before presenting it to the end user through the View It services menu. This functionality is only available for EBSCOhost Full-Text URLs.  The EBSCO Link Resolver Plugin performs external checks using an API that determines the most accurate available URL for the full text.  This is set up in your IZ.  It only works for those EBSCO databases you manage.  The plug in you set up has no impact on the shared  NZ EBSCO collections.  At this time,  it is unclear whether Jessica can set up a profile for the merged EBSCO collections in the NZ.  We still suggest you implement it if you have EBSCO collections in your IZ.

Link Resolver Plugin in Integration Profiles under the General Configuration > External Systems.The API User ID needed for Alma can be found in the Linking Parameters (L/P) in the EBSCO targets.Optional
Locally Created Targets with a suffix of LCL in SFXExport List of LCL targets from SFX to have ready for the Post-Migration Task List. Go to SFX (Test server) and Export Tool > Advanced Export Queries > choose any target ending in LCL to export. Will generate list of LCL targets.
The link resolver address will need to be updated from SFX to Alma's UResolver. Create a list of vendors that will need to be contacted post-migration. This is an item on the Post Migration Check List.Libraries will need to contact each vendor to update their SFX link resolver address to the Alma UResolver address. *There will be a temporary redirect for the SFX address. Information about the base URL and the link resolver icon needed to send to vendors. Will need access to Primo Back Office to obtain the base URL.

The current SFX baseURL is: sfx.calstat.edu:9003/library_sfx_instance_name and the current image (for most libraries) is sfx.calstate.edu:9003/sfx.gif

These are two URLs that will need to be updated. Either in the admin, like in EBSCO Admin or by contacting the vendor.

Other SFX modules and location in AlmaThese are modules that are currently being used in SFX that are in different areas of Alma, such as Display Logic, Related Object, Proxy, Direct Linking, Updating labels (known as Translation and Display in SFX), Feedback form and Dissertations. These will need to be set up post-migration in Alma.

SFX and bXbX has already been configured in Primo Central for Primo. Recommendations appear in Primo results, not in Uresolver menu.

bX Uresolver statistics are being harvested from Alma.

New ProQuest DatabasesList of the new ProQuest databases that will replace the current ProQuest subscriptions in July. SDLC will work with ProQuest to set up the renewal for July. These are the new collections the CSU will be using. These new databases are already available in both Alma and will need to be set up post-migration. The ECC and Opt-in resources will be available in the NZ.

During the ULMS implementation, SDLC has set the following timelines:

Before April 30, 2017

  • All FY 16/17 Subscription Memos will be released.
  • SDLC will provide CPO values to campuses.

After April 30, 2017

  • Regarding year end add-on subscriptions and purchases, be aware that CPO values may not be captured during the ULMS migration and may need to be entered into the system manually.
  • No Trial Offers will expire during the ULMS implementation.  

July 2017 (FY 17/18) SDLC Renewal Update: 

SDLC has begun releasing Subscription Memos for fiscal year 2017/18.  

Subscription Memos released:

  • 17-01 Berg Fashion Library  
  • 17-02 Sage CQ Roll Call Weekly
  • 17-03 Elsevier EiVillage
  • 17-04 Mergent D&B/Intellect
  • 17-05 Oxford Grove Art Online
  • 17-06 Elsevier GeoBase

Subscription Memos to be released within the next few weeks:

  • EBSCO AnthroPlus, Chicano and AP Images
  • EBSCO Databases
  • Encyclopedia Britannica
  • CCC – Get it Now
  • IEEE
  • Lexis Nexis (new platform for Lexis, Nexis Universe -new collection will be set up in Alma.
  • NBC Learn
  • OCLC
  • OCLC Question Point
  • Oxford Databases
  • ProQuest Databases  (there is a platform change for ProQuest, new collections will be set up in Alma but not SFX)
  • ProQuest Pivot
  • Thomson Biosis


Campuses will receive Cash Posting Order’s (CPO’s) for the above listed renewals, after July 1, 2017