Reviewed and Revised by ERM Committee
Revision Date

Reporting Problems


Before opening a SalesForce case, please email the ERM Task Force or discuss on Slack.  Together, we can address your questions and advise next steps.

You may open a support case from within Alma by clicking the Send to Ex Libris link beneath an electronic collection or electronic portfolio search result in the CZ and IZ. To take advantage of the Send to Ex Libris link, you need to configure the CRM contacts form  (provides a contact name and links to SalesForce tickets).  Note:  You will not need to use your Customer ID. Fill in the Salesforce ID, name and email address. The Salesforce ID is the same as your user login. Ex Libris provides instructions on how to report full text linking problems.  Note:  This KB article What Are the Common Causes of Full Text linking Problems, and How Can Linking Be Improved? explains why OpenURL may not work and some general ways you can maximize OpenURL linking.


Please report NZ ERM issues using  NZ ERM Problem Reporting form.

ERM Known Issues are tracked and updated.  These are known issues for the electronic resources, mainly in the NZ, that have been reported to ExL.


  1.  How-to check list for ERM tasks

    This is a list of tasks individuals activating and maintaining electronic resources should know how to do before "Go-Live" in Alma.  Also, there are Pre "Go-Live" tasks to prepare data being migrated.  These are the ERM TF tasks that users should have knowledge about before going live with Alma.  There are other Pre Go-Live tasks for Primo and Alma from the ULMS Implementation Team.

  2. ERM Post-Migration Check List -

    This checklist is for items and settings for e-resources that migrate from SFX.  Check if the item migrated and if it migrated correctly. Also are items that need to be set up post-migration.  List can be used by Serial Solutions libraries to check e-collection functionality. Help available in
    References column.  The task has a priority of ESSENTIAL, RECOMMENDED or OPTIONAL.  If there are any issues with an e-collection or tech services settings, check ERM Known Issues to see if the issue has been reported to ExL.

  3. ERM Post-Migration Task List -

    This list is for items that are known to NOT migrate from SFX to Alma and may need to be set up post-migration.  Included is a list of possible tasks Tech Services will have to complete post-migration. The list is similar to the tasks found in SFX.  Also the tasks will help ensure e-resources are functioning correctly in Alma.  Help for each task is available in References column.  The task has a priority of ESSENTIAL, RECOMMENDED or OPTIONAL.  Tasks include:  Run Incomplete Activation, enable IP ranges, Elsevier Auto Update, CCI Get It Now, EBSCO Link Resolver Plug In, etc.  If there are any issues with an e-collection or tech services settings, check ERM Known Issues to see if the issue has been reported to ExL

      4.  SFX Cleanup and Migration Preparation

           Tasks include:  Run Incomplete Activation, enable IP ranges, Elsevier Auto Update, CCI Get It Now, EBSCO Link Resolver Plug In, etc. 
           Please note that tasks listed on this list may also be on the ERM Post Migration Task List.

      5.  Post Load Review

           Some tasks created by CSU Northridge for you to test after go live.

      6.  The History tab shows the history of changes to an electronic resource (collections, services, portfolios). Each update includes: date of change, operator, and the changed field
           (with its old and new values).
  Watch this 4 min. video.

      7.   Please review the Best Practices and FAQ for Shared e-Resources (ECC and Opt In).


KB Resources

(This section is not exhaustive; it gives you some idea of what is available to help you problem solve)

  1. Troubleshooting Toolkit (U of Minnesota paper presented at ELUNA 2016 conference)
  2. 2017 Eluna Technical seminar - Alma Troubleshooting Electronic Resources
  3. What's wrong with this link? - Alma/Primo from 2017 Eluna Technical Seminar
  4. How do I request a Support Portal Login for a new staff member?
  5. How to Report full text linking problems to Ex Libris
  6. What Are the Common Causes of Full Text linking Problems, and How Can Linking Be Improved?
  7. Configuring CRM contacts
  8. How can I request new collection and data to be added to the Alma Community Zone and Primo Central?
  9. What is &exception=noDOI in object portfolio parse param?
  10. Electronic collection is deactivated but cannot be activated
  11. What is the difference between Remove and Delete for portfolios in the Electronic Services editor?
  12. Why a package is not active after P2E
  13. Portfolios in a local package triggers this error message: "Some error occurred while retrieving services"
  14. Unable to click the "unassigned of the e-resource task activation task list
  15. Inactive electronic collection published to Primo
  16. How to extract OpenURL from a Primo Central / Alma record?
  17. How to create a "Report a Problem" link to be included in the "Get It" or "View It" menus, including the OpenURL?
  18. How to format a URL in a General Electronic Services (GES) which will send an email?