Use this space for those "Today I Learned" moments–bits and pieces of information gleaned from Alma documentation, the Alma listserv, personal experience, etc., that may be useful later. As the list grows, we can organize it into more useful categories or develop some system of tagging. For now, just throw anything you have into a bullet point.
- Analytics isn't available in the sandbox.
- Analytics data updates only once per day. Per the Alma listserv, this is overnight for Texas Women's University and 4pm PST for Eastern Oregon University, so we don't know when it may happen for the CSU. The important thing is that, unlike Innovative's Create List, which can search for changes more or less as soon as you save them, Alma Analytics reports will not reflect recent activity until after the daily refresh.
- Remember to click on Analysis, not Report.
- Cost Usage and Usage Data subject areas use COUNTER data. See Analytics_-_Overview_of_calculation_of_the_cost_per_use_in_the_Cost_Usage_subject_area_with_DB_and_JR1.pptx for examples of how to use the Cost Per Use functionality.
- Link Resolver Usage uses data from the Alma Link Resolver. See Analytics_-_Overview_of_Alma_Link_Resolver_Usage_Subject_Area.pptx for examples of how to use the Link Resolver Usage functionality.