For follow-up questions on your migration forms, please submit salesforce tickets and describe the issue. A good example that was raised today was the question by CSUB – about not migrating fulfillment data at all à this definitely should be logged as a salesforce case.
Regarding submission timelines: the schedule is outlined on basecamp. As noted in the call, because data extraction requires a fully validated Voyager migration form (that has passed migration team checks), we will work with you to prioritize the processing of the Voyager migration forms so that you can start the data extract process as early as possible.
How to submit your validated migration form to us:
We have gone ahead and created migration cases for each institution as below. Please use the case number referenced for your institution and upload your migration inputs (validated migration form, draft P2E) by or before Wed Mar 30. This case will be used to track communication between the project team and each institution on the test load migration inputs over the course of the test load.
1. When uploading a copy of the migration spreadsheet, please remove the older copies to minimize confusion
2. Attachments do not generate a Salesforce notification, so please add a comment to the case indicating that files have been attached and are ready for review
ILS | Institution | Contact | Institution_Code | Case number |
Voyager | Bakersfield | Amanda Grombly | 01CALS_UBA | 194286 |
Voyager | Channel Islands | Stephen Stratton | 01CALS_UCI | 194287 |
Voyager | Humboldt | Jeremy C. Shellhase | 01CALS_HUL | 194299 |
Voyager | Monterey Bay | Kathlene Hanson | 01CALS_UMB | 194307 |
Preparing_Alma_Implementation_Voyager_Libraries.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)