Absent: Roman Kochan (Long Beach)
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes | Documents |
0900 | Welcome & Introductions | Welcomed interim deans Grallo and Bozarth | ||
0915 | Update from Provost Perez | Dr. Steve Perez | How do we take what we learned in the last year and use those things to make things better. Budget convos not as dire as they were months ago. Proposal is to bring us back to our 19/20 funding. Repopulation and f2f classes for Fall 21 are on the docket. Things changing rapidly. Carlos noted that the libraries are working to be seen as one library. Provost Perez says there isn’t a strong desire across the CSU to standardize other programs. Conversation about continuing to have an online learning presence across the CSU. Some concerns across the CSU about what this means for faculty. Telecommuting was also discussed. | (Slide deck forthcoming) |
0925 | SCELC: Shared Print, ECC | Rick Burke, SCELC | Rick Burke, Linda Wobbe, Glenn Johnson-Grau were present. Rick led the presentation. Notes that CSU is part of the governance of the SCELC shared print program. SCELC is a founding member of WEST (journal retention). First experiment was 2014. Resource sharing is built into the program. Mentioned relationship with CCC. SCELC is now #4 in size in terms of committed monograph holdings for shared print programs. Last September the first CSU cohort went live. CSU has had impact on the retention model. Glenn Grau-John discussed Greenglass, the powerful tool used for evaluating collections that is licensed to libraries for the first two years of the 15-year commitment angle. He also pointed out that even the smallest libraries bring unique and scarcely-held materials to the aggregate collection. Linda Wobbe covered the costs and the June 30 deadline. SCELC has a special discount for the CSU and has flexible payment models. She also covered optional services such as Choice review flags or flags for ebooks with pbook equivalents. The Q&A included concerns about OCLC support for GreenGlass and the ability to fine-tune the uniqueness measurements. | |
1005 | CCC Update | Conversation about UC-SCELC-CSU collaboration. Conversations with SCELC about collective purchasing power. CCC document drafted by COLD CCC group presented. Noted that the UC announced an OA initiative this week. Our motivation is a little different. ACTION ITEM: COLD voted on the following motion: I move that COLD adopt the California Collections Collaborative Mission, Vision and Goals document as a strategic tool in California Higher Education institutions to advance knowledge, teaching, scholarship, and research, and to develop greater efficiencies in negotiating with vendors and publishers. Vote: Motion passed unanimously. Further discussion included outreach to the community colleges as well as rethinking the name/acronym. | ||
1040 (1035) | Break | |||
1050 (1045) | EDI Training for CSU Libraries | Stephanie asked for clarification on the EDI PD that Nicole Cooke will be providing to the CSU Libraries and also asked if COLD wanted to open the training to a wider group. Recommended establishing a working group to plan this activity. Ron, Cesar, and Adriana offered to participate. Conversation included having one topic be “self-proclaimed woke people,” an event Keith Rice from CSUN is doing about the roots of systemic racism in libraries. Ron recommended surveying to develop the topics and structure. COLD has asked Dr. Cooke to provide cost models. Discussion addressed that the cost of this training would be more than the $10k in leftover PD funding and require libraries to pitch in. More details are necessary to be able to proceed (cost model, details of the actual training). Carlos proposed three to four weeks (mid-April) for a proposal for structure and cost. COLD will vote online to approve. | ||
1105 | Deans' Hour | |||
1200 | Adjourn |
Action items
SRDC_COLD_Report_93020.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS Steering Committee Report 9-30-20.pdf (application/pdf)
Scholarly Communications Committee Quarterly Report September 2020.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD Student Success Committee Report.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD_Report_Dec2020.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
CCC Priorities Survey.pdf (application/pdf)
SCELC-PGM-SP COLD Update -- March 2021_rev (1).pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)