Created by Kelly Ann Sam, last modified by Chris Lee on Dec 06, 2024
June 15, 2021 and June 22, 2021
Jamie Lamberti (Unlicensed), San Francisco (Chair, July 2020 – June 2021)
Karolyn Grimm, Stanislaus (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)
Kelly Ann Sam, San Marcos (Member, July 2019 - June 2021)
Metassebia Hailu, East Bay (Member, July 2020 – June 2022)
Chris Lee, CSU CO (Liaison, October 2020)
Natalya Serge Magazino, San Marcos
Discussion Topics
Campus Updates / Announcements
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Reopening Open Forum | Slides: Date confirmed - Wed, July 7 1-2:30pm Presentations (decide who will present) Walk-in Users workflow (20 min. - Jamie) Resource Sharing Reports (5 min. - Natalya) Restarting Checklists (30 min. for both) Calendar update Letters configurations Fulfillment checklist CSU+ checklist Adding a Library/pick up location Turning off personal delivery - link to presentation from Summer 2020 Update the amount of days items are on the hold shelf Quarantine recommendation
Open Discussion (remaining time) Security / policing guidelines Strategies for getting items back Course Reserves in Fall Poll questions (Kelly Ann & Karla)
Configurations / Guides to create or update Updated Fulfillment Spreadsheet (30 min.) Walk-in Users (rename?) configuration & workflow Restart Checklists - review checklists on the wiki and send out to listserv after the open forum
Action Items | Update checklists for Fulfillment and CSU+ Finish spreadsheet by June 22nd to send out to listserv Karla and Kelly Ann complete poll questions and send out link by ? Karla will create slide template for all to update Jamie will send out an email for experts/people willing to help for on-call committee
2020/2021 Ideas
Reopening Checklist ✓
Closing checklist
Create summary document for Course Reserves survey (Kim & Kelly Ann)
Reopening configurations & documentations
Creating new libraries
Configuring hold shelves
Electronic reserves
Test & report on new functionality
Open forums (how often are they needed?)
Create FFC google email & drive ✓ Move items to the new drive
Locker task force ✓
Create recommendations for contactless checkout and pick up
Curbside type of pick up
Locker pick up
Reservation pick up