

Mike DeMars (Unlicensed)David WalkerIan Chan (Unlicensed)Zacharry Williams (Unlicensed)Jessie Cai (Unlicensed)William Jacobs (Unlicensed)


  • Provide status updates on each of the items the group is working on.
  • Determine what we'd like to present at the November Open Forum.

TimeItemWho's starting the discussionNotes
15minInternal survey

David Walker has received responses from all campus for the ULMS Campus contacts list. We can use the ULMS-PM listserv ( to email campus ULMS contacts.

Task force members agreed that one survey should be completed per campus. Ian Chan will update survey with that information and send out to group for final review.

After survey responses are received there will need to be follow-up to clarify responses and to request additional information.

10minInternal Environmental scanMike DeMars (Unlicensed)

Mike DeMars has completed the CSU Primo Environmental Scan. He discussed findings with the group. 'Personalize my results' does not seem to work - perhaps campuses should consider disabling? There are many variations of the brief display configuration. It might be useful to review how campuses have configured their full displays, though that would be quite a bit of work. Will take a look at the configuration of advanced search for each campus. 

Mike DeMars (Unlicensed) will share the CSU Primo Environmental Scan at the next Discovery Open Forum on  

15minExternal Environmental scan

William Jacobs (Unlicensed) compiled a list of non-CSU institutions for the group to review on the Primo UI Environmental Scan page. The group discussed whether to focus only on other institutions that have deployed the new UI. Focusing on new UI institutions is useful for reviewing interface configuration and functionality. However, both new and old UI institutions might offer insights on interface labels that work better for our users. We should perform a second scan focusing on labels used in Primo.

A presentation on the Primo UI Environmental Scan will be placed on the agenda for the January Discovery Open Forum, which will take place on either on  or  .


Will focus on problem reporting forms for Primo and using SMS for sending call number information. No updates at this time.

5minCoordinated information sharing

ULMS Campus contacts list will provide basis for ongoing information sharing.

David Walker has received several training requests including mapping of MARC records to PNX, Get It configuration in Primo, and interaction between Alma and Primo.

5minTopics for next Open Forum

See above

5minMeeting Schedule

Next meeting is , from 11am-12pm