Determines the overall visibility of local records in search results and can be configure to boost by fields, data (and date range), resource type, and a general boost.
Boost vs Deboost
Boost = values > 1.0
DeBoost = values > 0.0 and less than 1.0
Boost (deboost) values multiple the score associated with a record. ie., higher boost values = higher scores, smaller boost values = lower scores.
Configuration options for enabling UnPaywall were discussed and SJSU, Northridge, LongBeach, and SFSU provided experiences and pitfalls they have encountered.
Gabriel Gardner suggested revisiting usage statistics later in the academic year to determine the impact of the feature on user interaction and back-end statistics.
Due to limited time, Samuel will provide a summary document of the issue and Christian Ward (Unlicensed) will disseminate to the discovery group.
Brief Summary: Dedup/FERBR issues have been reported by several campuses. The CO and the Norm Rules Task force have discussed, and brandon dudley (Unlicensed) would like feedback from campuses who identify Dedup/FRBR related issues. Feedback will be taken to Ex Libris via multiple channels to determine a path forward for resolving the issues.