Council of Library Deans : COLD Agenda & Meeting Notes, October 13, 2021

Connection info:

Meeting ID: 839 3372 9253 Passcode: 949582

One tap mobile +16699006833,,83933729253# US (San Jose)

Not Present: Mike Meth (SJSU)

Partial Absence: Cesar,

Discussion topics






12 pm


1 pm

Welcome and regathering


1:15 pm

Bylaws Task Force

Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed)

Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed) , Jacqui Grallo, Alicia.virtue (Unlicensed) , and Carlos Rodriguez (Unlicensed) , Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed) volunteered. Moved by Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) , seconded by Pat Hawthorne (Unlicensed) . Vote was 17/0/0, passed.

1:30 pm

PD Review

See 2:45 presenter.

See 2:45 Notes.

See 2:45 pm document.

2 pm

The Future of Elsevier Agreements (time certain)

Melissa Seelye and Emily Chan

Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed) and Emily Chan have been involved in the Elsevier agreement process. COLD, ScholComm, and SRDC have had conversations.

Results: to date, 463 article waivers have been approved; none have been turned down. At $3k per waiver, this is a $1,389,000 value.

Retrospective OA is available for 2021 submissions (due by Jan 2022). There are 55 eligible articles, which would yield $165,000 in author’s savings.

SDSU leads the fleet by a significant percentage.

3/4 selected a more restrictive license (CC BY NC ND) – but still OA.

Emily invested significant time wrangling OA agreements from CSU authors.

The slide deck covered pilot parameters, which the CSU libraries must verify for authors on our end.

Timeline: noted that things lagged for a few months while we waited for a signature from the CO. The Elsevier team was helpful because they were invested in moving this forward. Melissa Seelye (Unlicensed) noted that no COLD committee is explicitly tasked to work with transformative agreements.

One goal was to make the process simple for authors so they could focus on their scholarship, and they pushed for author-facing guidance.

Eddie Choy convened the SRDC Transformative Agreement Negotiation Team in Sep/Oct to consider the ACM offer. Elsevier finalized the video tutorial but Melissa and Emily had to write accessible captions.

COLD provided pilot admins in Jan 2021. Train the trainer sessions were held in March 2021, though 15 months in was pretty late for a two-year project.

Fall 2020-Winter 2021, Emily took the lead on notifying authors for retrospective conversion.

Implementation challenges included identifying and training campus admins, Elsevier’s unwillingness to caption the author journey tutorial, need for a $0/APC change, lack of train the trainer sessions from Elsevier, and lack of regular communication among the various CSU structures such as COLD and committees.

In Q&A, awareness was identified as a barrier to OA. Concerns about OA as a legitimate publishing mechanism were not a factor.

Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) recommended creating a document to discuss the cost savings. Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) wants to develop a press release. The timing of the presser was under discussion.

Mark Stover (Unlicensed) asked if we want to establish a transformative agreements team and who would be on it?

It was noted that the negotiations and implementation activities can inform one another.

It was generally agreed that sharing internally would be appropriate (within our respective libraries) but the timing of external communications needs to be sorted out.

The Future of Elsevier Agreements (Google Slides)

2:30 pm


2:45 pm

PD Review II (if needed)

Pat Hawthorne (Unlicensed)

Final draft version is attached for today’s meeting and discussion. Suggestions were incorporated and document was cleaned up. Items in red are figures that Leslie will need to confirm OR are questions to discuss.

The draft was well-received and it was noted had developed significantly from the previous draft. Conversation included discussion about degree and skill that were required or strongly recommended. Another topic was the distribution of percentages for roles. The non-scholarly resources were recommended to be 10%. The “communications” piece is also critical and is an important addition, and it was agreed it is about 20% of the role. Scattered input on other items.

Mark Stover (Unlicensed) asked about the composition of the search committee, and Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) said it would be good to have a COLD position on this recruitment. COLD members who are interested in serving on that committee should let Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) know.

Pat Hawthorne (Unlicensed) will redraft the document and share out by noon on 10/14 and requested input by Monday 10/18. Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) agreed to provide input back to COLD on what else she might need.


Elsevier Task Force

Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed)

Questions: are we forming a TF with SRDC? And what input do we want with this group? Eddie was the CO communication piece and he is departing at the end of this month.

Three deans and two faculty have volunteered for the negotiation team:

Cyril and Amy will co-chair.

Cyril Oberlander (Unlicensed) recommended Chris Bulock from CSUN.

Leslie Kennedy (Unlicensed) will be stepping in for Eddie’s negotiations role for the time being. Christina Mune (Unlicensed) recommended Emily Chan based on her experience.

Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) has volunteered to work on the contract piece.

Mike Meth has also volunteered.

The question of involving newer librarians came up, and it was noted that the implementation phase is a good role for this cohort.

There was discussion about the role of the SRDC licensing group, and it was determined this needed more analysis. EVL also needs to be factored into the mix.



Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed)

CLC: California Library Collaboration.

The ACS renewal is imminent, and that has generally been done with UC-CSU coordination.

There will be a document available soon that will then go to COLD Exec.

3:45 pm

CSU-UC Reciprocal Agreement MOU

Karen Schneider (Unlicensed)

Karen spoke with Chris Lee on 10/12 and got clarity on the intent of this agreement (see her document). There may need to be a little more work done which may be a good candidate for a vote between meetings.

Background Doc - CSU UC Recip Agreement

4 pm


4:10 pm

Deans' Hour

Action items



See COLD Decision Log.


COLD_Report_Dec2020.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
COLD Student Success Committee Report.pdf (application/pdf)
Scholarly Communications Committee Quarterly Report September 2020.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS Steering Committee Report 9-30-20.pdf (application/pdf)
SRDC_COLD_Report_93020.pdf (application/pdf)
093020 COLD SSC Update.pdf (application/pdf)
CSU-UC Recip Agreement Proposal.pdf (application/pdf)
CSU-UC Recip Agreement Proposal.pdf (application/pdf)
Director-SDLC_Rationale & Position Description Draft.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Elsevier Seelye Chan October 13th 2021 COLD Presentation.pdf (application/pdf)