Created by brandon dudley, last modified by Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) on Aug 17, 2017
Presentations delivered by Chancellor's Office team members. See also campus presentations.
Presentation | Audience | Date Delivered |
Project Update & Kickoff Meeting Discussion (San Bernardino) | COLD | February 2016 |
Resource sharing issues and project update (Chico) | COLD | October 2015 |
ULMS goals, kick-off meeting (Chancellor's Office) | Campus Project Managers | October 2015 |
Working Group Leads Meeting (Dominguez Hills) | Working Groups | September 2015 |
Project ramp-up update (San Diego) | COLD | September 2015 |
Presentation to ISPIE (Sonoma) | ISPIE | July 2015 |
Regional Meetings (Sacramento, Fullerton) | CSU libraries | May, June 2015 |
RFP recommendation | COLD | April 2015 |
RFP update, written responses | COLD | January 2015 |
RFP update, final release | COLD | September 2014 |
Campus visits | CSU libraries | Summer 2014 |
RFP update, retreat | COLD | June 2014 |
RFP update, composition | COLD | April 2014 |
RFP goals and costs discussion | COLD | February 2014 |
Project update | CSU libraries | December 2013 |
STIM proposal to develop an RFP | COLD | November 2013 |
Update on exploration of next-gen systems, vendor demos | COLD | September 2013 |
Proposal to begin exploration of a next-generation system | COLD | April 2013 |
Informational presentation on next-generation systems | COLD | December 2012 |
