ULMS Resource Sharing : 2017-11-09 Meeting notes



Meeting Agenda

2017-11-09 Agenda

Discussion items

StatisticsAstra Gleason (Unlicensed)
  • What should be discussed during the Analytics & Assessment ACRL webinar on 12/5/17?
    • Nothing is included from Alma/CSU+ for this year’s stats
    • Is there any additional info we want them to cover in the 12/5 webinar?
    • What stats do people want to see gathered in the future?
    • Can Nikki come to one of our meetings to show us what we can do?
  • Should short term loans be counted as ILL?
  • May need to invite acq people into the conversation
Policy SuggestionsMallory DeBartolo
  • Discuss feedback sent to Mallory
Visiting patron functionsChris LeeAstra Gleason
  • How does it work?
Discussion of forthcoming Tipasa releaseRSFC
  • Lack of information about the release timeline is a concern
  • Interested in seeing some sort of demonstration of the product from beta testing sites, particularly one using Alma (person at Washington State?)
  • Is anyone in the CSU attending the OCLC conference this year? If so perhaps they can do some investigating. (Maybe Mallory can go - she’ll look into it)
Policy Change Procedures Mallory DeBartolo

New Policy creation or Policy revision process*

  1. Need for policy identified
  2. Resource Sharing functional committee discusses, drafts policy and posts to ulms website
    Include the following information in the review document, where applicable:
    1. current policy text
    2. proposed new policy text
    3. last revision date
    4. status (in process, approved, etc.)
  3. Link to proposed policy text sent to I-SPIE list and ULMS access list for review
    1. Turnaround time for feedback review: minimum 1 week. More where appropriate.
  4. Feedback compiled
  5. Discuss policy feedback from lists in open meeting
  6. Resource Sharing functional committee drafts second version of policy
    1. based on open meeting discussion and written feedback
    2. second draft posted to ULMS website with indication of changes made
  7. Policy sent to ULMS Coordinating Committee for review and approval
    1. if needed comes back to RS functional committee for review
  8. Approved policy sent to COLD for approval
  9. Notice sent to ULMS-access and I-SPIE lists after vote to indicate adoption or veto

*This process is subject to change depending on the workload of the ULMSCC and COLD.

Action items

  • Chris LeeAstra Gleason Test visiting patron functions
    • Work with the fulfillment committee to develop workflows/instructions for visiting patron
  • Chris Lee Contact Washington State to do an Alma/Tipasa demo


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