Council of Library Deans : COLD Agenda & Meeting Notes, February 23, 2022


Present: Sandra Bozarth (Bakersfield), Alicia Virtue (Channel Islands), Jodi Shepherd (Chico), Stephanie Brasley (Dominguez Hills), John Wenzler (East Bay), Del Hornbuckle (Fresno), Emily Bonney (Fullerton), Cyril Oberlander (Humboldt), Tracey Mayfield (Long Beach), Carlos Rodriguez (Los Angeles), Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime), Jacqueline Grallo (Monterey Bay), Mark Stover (Northridge), Pat Hawthorne (Pomona), Amy Kautzman (Sacramento), Cesar Caballero (San Bernardino), Scott Walter (San Diego), Deborah Masters (San Francisco), Michael Meth (San Jose), Adriana Popescu (San Luis Obispo), Jen Fabbi (San Marcos), Karen G. Schneider (Sonoma), Ron Rodriguez (Stanislaus),

Also: Katie Lage (Moss Landing), Mitch Avila (Channel Islands), provost representative; Ryne Leuzinger (Monterey Bay), statewide senate representative; Leslie Kennedy (CO), David Walker (CO), Brandon Dudley (CO)


Discussion topics






8 am

Welcome & Introductions

Emily Miller (Unlicensed)

8:15 am

60-second updates

8:45 am

DEI Update

Stephanie Brasley (Unlicensed)

Dr. Olivas proposing a six-speaker series (Fridays May through August). Discussion focused on the dates, two of which precede a long weekend and one of which is during COLD. There were mixed responses but overall the dates appear good.

Budget issues were reviewed. Jen recommended a CPO to one campus so we can pay. It was emphasized that shared costs need to happen in this fiscal year, the earlier the better. We need to know what it costs.


May 27th
June 10th
July 1st
July 15th
July 29th
August 12th

COLD voted unanimously: MOVED, to go forward with the presented plan for a DEIA seminar series this year, to be cost-shared among the CSU Libraries.

9 am


Mark Stover (Unlicensed)

Generally agreed that DOAJ is useful for our students and faculty. John Dove presented to ScholComm. Subsequently, ScholComm recommended to COLD Exec that the libraries support DOAJ as it is a “free” service but relies on donations. SRDC also reviewed this proposal. SRDC recommended support for DOAJ.

Discussion among COLD members focused on the ROI of membership and the funding source. This would be an annual “ask.” It was suggested the research officers or provosts be approached to support this product.

Moved and passed to table item to Friday 2/25 to see at that time if we are ready to vote on a motion.

9:15 am

CSU Libraries website: Elsevier statements, protocol for updates

David Walker

Recommending a protocol for how items are added and removed to the COLD website ( ).

Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed) noted this issue is in the parking lot for the Bylaws TF.

Michael Meth (Unlicensed) suggested COLD determine the purpose of this website. Amy Kautzman (Unlicensed) noted the website needs more care and attention than it gets.

It was also discussed that confluence is public-facing and there may be resource implications for making it private and yet available to all constituents who need it.

Motion: the chair/vice chair/past chair make decisions around additions and removals to the CSU libraries website.

9:30 am

Break (blue star)

9:45 am

COLD Provost conversation topics (prequel to our time certain for Provost Avilla on 2/25)

Emily Miller (Unlicensed)

No action item, but definitely a trend toward student success and ECC.

10 am

COLD Bylaws

Michele Van Hoeck (Unlicensed)

10:30 am

NFT 101

Michael Meth (Unlicensed)

10:45 am

Break (blue star)

11 am

Deans' Hour

12 pm


Action items



See COLD Decision Log.


093020 COLD SSC Update.pdf (application/pdf)
SRDC_COLD_Report_93020.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS Steering Committee Report 9-30-20.pdf (application/pdf)
Scholarly Communications Committee Quarterly Report September 2020.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD Student Success Committee Report.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD_Report_Dec2020.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
COLD Bylaws Draft 2022Feb23.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
20220216_Recommendation-to-COLD_DOAJ.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
2022-2 Blockchain & NFT In Libraries - COLD.pdf (application/pdf)