Compass Room, CSU - Maritime
Min. | Presenter | Topic | Time | Documents |
60 | Lunch | 12:00 | ||
5 | Lori Schroeder | Welcome from Cal Maritime Provost | 12:50 | |
5 | Del Hornbuckle | Approve minutes - June 2022 Humboldt mtg | 1:00 | |
50 | Standing Committee Updates | Amy Kautzman (SRDC liaison); Cyril Oberlander (STIM Chair); Brandon Dudley (ULMS liaison); Tracey Mayfield (ScholComm liaison); Scott Walter (Student Success Chair) | 1:10 | Brandon: request for approval of updated ULMS Governance Document Student Success Quarterly Report The July meeting was dedicated to introducing several new members and to reviewing some of the projects that had been pursued, or identified for possible pursuit, during 2021-22. The most significant of these projects, a proposed article ("Reducing DFW Rates with Zero-Cost Textbooks"), is being pursued by a sub-group of committee members led by Laura Wimberley (CSUN). The current committee membership is available at The September meeting was dedicated to a discussion of how the committee might establish a long-term agenda supporting student success initiatives across CSU libraries, including through identification/promotion of innovative partnerships and practices on individual campuses and through identification of desired areas for professional development promoting effective integration of library resources, services, and spaces into campus and system-wide student success initiatives. A proposed survey was discussed at this meeting to map the landscape of library-centered student success initiatives across the CSU and next steps will be the subject of the October meeting. ULMS Update The ULMS Steering Committee met earlier today (Tuesday, September 27) to review membership expectations and each functional committee’s objectives for the academic year. We also discussed the possibility of restarting ULMS in-person meetings sometime this year with either a CSU-wise or California-wide scope. This is an idea I’m eager to get COLD’s thoughts about and support for in the very near future. Objectives worth of COLD’s attention are as follows.
There were several recommendations brought forward from the inclusive Description Task Force that are on the COLD agenda – all were accepted by the Steering Committee. |
30 | David Walker & Steve Kutay | Digital Assets Management Systems (DAMS) Update, Digital Repositories committee update | 2:00 | See pilot project report from February COLD meeting as background. |
10 | David Walker & Ann Roll | Overview of SDLC & SDLS, for newcomers | 2:30 | |
15 | Break | 2:40 | ||
10 | Ann Roll | COLD signatory request: ICOLC statement | 2:55 | |
10 | Brandon Dudley | Update on Rapido implementation | 3:05 | |
45 | Michael Meth; Sandra Bozarth; Jen Fabbi; Karen Schneider, Stephanie Sterling Brasley and Emily Bonney | COLD communication survey discussion | 3:15 | |
60 | Deans’ Hour | 4:00 |
Min. | Presenter | Topic | Time | Documents |
Breakfast | 8:00 | |||
15 | Brandon Dudley | Inclusive Description Task Force Update | 9:00 | Items for approval by COLD: Meeting Outcomes:
Charge for Inclusive Description Task Force: The Inclusive Description Task force will evaluate problematic and offensive LCSH, and work in coordination with the Norm Rules Joint Task Force to create CSU wide solutions for these headings. This task force will expand on the work that was done with the LCSH heading “Illegal Aliens”, examining other headings and proposing CSU wide solutions wherever possible. In addition, this task force would work with a CSU SACO funnel if that is created. Subject Headings for the task force will be identified via suggestion as well as existing resources, such as the Problem LCSH list on Cataloging Lab: . |
45 | Michele Van Hoeck | Debrief COLD DEIA Training | 9:15 | DEIA Follow-up (What stood out): *Rewriting PD to being more intentional *Using language from ACRL good language around knowing *Done be trained, something more transformative, at the managerial level *Session 5—handout anti-racist learning and reflection tool *Personal practice--listening more not responding, In a stay interview, not responding until the person is finished *Organizational inequities-identifying particular resources for recruitment and retention *Two types of leadership-feminist and anti-racist *Session 1- think the first session was the most powerful for me. they made it personal. They asked when you knew you were different. They asked who you hold accountable, etc. I realized, one cannot lead in JDEI initiatives until one knows that about one’s own self and makes peace with it. Where do we want to be in five years *Recruitment, hiring, RTP, Mentoring *Inclusive Spaces *Equitable public policies and Procedures *Inclusive Collections *Inclusive Teaching *Outside the usual library boxes - vision out |
Break | 10:00 | |||
15 | Ann Roll | ACS/California Collections Update | 10:15 | |
45 | Michele Van Hoeck | COLD strategic planning | 10:30 | 2017 CSU Libraries Strategic Plan Our last strategic plan (2017) helped support/direct several accomplishments of last five years. In addition to an increase in ECC funding, system-wide professional development, and two OA agreements, our Standing Committees were aligned to strategic plan goals after the 2017 plan was created. We have three dean volunteers for a COLD strategic planning task force this year. Should we include others on the task force? Motion -will create a task force to lead us in creating a COLD 22-23 Strategic Plan Motion - that the task force be made up of 3 COLD deans, one CO rep, one faculty rep and that the task force be charge with planning for opportunities for broad input. 23 approved |
10 | Jen Fabbi | ICOC | 11:05 | Motion to be signatories on the ICOC statement. Seconded by John Wexler Passed unanimously |
10 | Scott Walter | SDSU course reserves project, Equitable Access/Immediate Access program | 11:15 | |
20 | Mark Stover | Makerspace Community of Practice | 11:25 | Appropriate for COLD to approve and promote a community of practice for library makerspaces as an informal structure under STIM. Focused on sharing information, professional development and updates that foster updates across the CSU Motion for COLD to approve a community of practice for Library makerspaces 21 Yes |
Lunch | 11:45 | |||
Tour of Training Ship Golden Bear | 12:30 |
COLD meeting notes 22June10 Humboldt.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
COLD meeting notes 22June10 Humboldt.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
rapido-update-2022-09.pdf (application/pdf)
ICOLC Statement on the Metadata Rights of Libraries_0.pdf (application/pdf)
ULMS Governance Structure - Updated Draft (20210414).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
SRDC COLD Report 10-2022.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
SRDC COLD Report 10-2022 (1).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
SRDC COLD Report 10-2022 (1).docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ECC CRITERIA - 2022 DRAFT.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
COLD meeting notes 22June9 Humboldt.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
sdls-sdlc.pdf (application/pdf)
COLD_ACS.pptx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation)
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digital-archives.pdf (application/pdf)
CIP-CSU-Library-Makerspaces.pdf (application/pdf)