Council of Library Deans : COLD December 2022 Meeting Agenda + Minutes

December 1-2, 2022

Thursday 1pm-4pm
Library, PLN 130

Present:   Sandra Bozarth (Bakersfield), Emily Bonney (Fullerton), Stephanie Brasley (Dominguez Hills), Michael Meth (San Jose), Jennifer Fabbi (San Marcos), Pat Hawthorne (Pomona), Amy Kautzman (Sacramento),  Deborah Masters (San Francisco), Cyril Oberlander (Humboldt), Karen Schneider (Sonoma), Mark Stover (Northridge), Alicia Virtue (Channel Islands), Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime), John Wenzler (East Bay), Scott Walter (San Diego), John Wang (Chico), Del Hornbuckle (Fresno), Tracey Mayfield (Long Beach), Carlos Rodriguez (Los Angeles), Jacqueline Grallo (Maritime), Ron Rodriguez (Stanislaus), Katie Lage (Moss Landing), Rebecca Lubas (San Bernardino), Adriana Popescu (San Luis Obispo)

Mitch Avila (Provost’s Representative), Ryne Lenzinger (Statewide Senate Representative), David Walker (CO), Brandon Dudley (CO), Ann Roll (CO)










Carolyn Thomas

Welcome from CSU Fullerton Provost



Approve minutes - Sept 2022 meeting


2022-09-29/30 COLD Meeting Agenda + Minutes

The minutes of the September 2022 meeting were approved with the following amendments:

The minutes should reflect the following:

Makerspace Community of Practice: Addition to September 2022 minutes to include the document submitted regarding Makerspace Community of Practice agenda item.

Inclusive Description Task Force:

  1. Motion Approved: Request for transforming subject heading for Japanese internment to incarceration

  2. Motion Approved: Draft of inclusive cataloging statement

  3. Motion Deferred to December COLD meeting: Recommendation on headings for Indigenous Californians

  4. Motion Approved: Alternate Vocabularies for LGBTQ+


Mitch Avila

Provost Representative Report


M. Avila reported the following key points:

  • Enrollment for this academic year system-wide projected to be 7% down.

  • Applications up by 10 to 15 %; hopeful applications are bouncing back for next year.

  • Enrollment Challenge: most campuses saw decline in number of students; likely 7 to 13 or more campuses who fall below appropriated target. These campuses asked to provide a plan for what the intent is to correct enrollment situation.

  • Likely to see phased in (multi-year) changes to appropriated funded targets and difficult decisions therein.

  • Difficult state budget situation will likely create pressure to not fully fund the current CSU Budget Compact

  • Sense of willingness and urgency to address several factors at system-wide level. Challenge to use this moment to exercise leadership; be proactive in leading change and propose concrete solutions to known challenges

Discussion ensued.


Stephanie Brasley

DEIA Taskforce recommendation


Motion approved to extend the DEIA task force until the time when the standing DEIA committee is put into place in alignment with the new strategic plan. A liaison will be established between the DEIA task force and the strategic planning committee (Adriana Popescu).

S. Brasley reported that the DEIA task force is working on drafting a vision statement, possible retreat, and membership recommendations for a DEIA standing committee.


John Wenzler

Inclusive Cataloging Statement – proposed revision

Postponed to December 2


Item moved to December 2, 2022 meeting





Brandon Dudley

Inclusive Cataloging taskforce recommendation on tribal collaboration


Recommendation on headings for Indigenous Californians discussed. COLD provided the following feedback:

The spirit of the recommendation is admirable. There is a need to proceed in a respectful relationship-oriented mode and there are concerns that the reciprocity element as written is problematic. Consider rewriting the recommendation to allow for local pilots that explore the nature of reciprocity, potential support of consulting services, offer of in-kind services and other choices befitting the campus situation, working with local campus organizations, budgets, and practices.


Standing Committee Updates: Amy Kautzman (SRDC liaison); Cyril Oberlander (STIM Chair); Brandon Dudley (ULMS liaison); Tracey Mayfield (ScholCom); David Walker (DigRePo)


ULMS (B. Dudley):

Satisfaction survey report shared on COLD public list. Satisfaction seems to be down this year over previous years; potential reasons included in the report. Discussion ensued.

SRDC (A. Kautzman, J. Fabbi, A. Roll):

  • Continuing to work on ECC criteria document

  • Task force working on procedures document to accompany the ECC criteria document

  • Working on potential one-time purchase wish list proactively for potential use of year end funds.

  • Submitted updates to subcommittee working on COLD orientation handbook

  • Asked for communication and transparency on future transformative agreements

Digital Repositories Committee: (D. Walker)


  • All federal grant new data sharing requirements under consideration. Need for education and outreach recognized by the committee. Interest in sharing strategies around this new requirement.

  • Ongoing metadata work in ScholarWorks occurring by the committee

  • Committee working on revision to deposit agreements and procedures for general takedown procedures for system-wide approach

Digital Archives:

  • Two parallel phases of activity are underway:

  1. Working with libraries with historical materials in DSpace that need a home in the DAM. These campuses will be asked to identify project managers to migrate content from DSpace into the new DAM. This process will include a review of current metadata and cleanup prior to migration

  2. For campuses who have a different repository or local system who wish to join the systemwide DAM, the committee will reach out to these groups to join the pilot project (working in the pilot instance)

ScholCom (T. Mayfield):

  • Need additional members, especially from the northern campuses


  • No report

Campus round robin of updates were shared.





Deans’ Hour




Friday 9-12

Library, Center for Oral and Public History, 6th floor

Present:   Sandra Bozarth (Bakersfield), Emily Bonney (Fullerton), Stephanie Brasley (Dominguez Hills), Michael Meth (San Jose), Jennifer Fabbi (San Marcos), Pat Hawthorne (Pomona), Amy Kautzman (Sacramento),  Deborah Masters (San Francisco), Cyril Oberlander (Humboldt), Karen Schneider (Sonoma), Mark Stover (Northridge), Alicia Virtue (Channel Islands), Michele Van Hoeck (Maritime),  John Wenzler (East Bay), Scott Walter (San Diego), John Wang (Chico), Del Hornbuckle (Fresno), Tracey Mayfield (Long Beach), Carlos Rodriguez (Los Angeles), Jacqueline Grallo (Maritime), Ron Rodriguez (Stanislaus), Rebecca Lubas (San Bernardino), Adriana Popescu (San Luis Obispo), Katie Lage (Moss Landing)

Ryne Lenzinger (Statewide Senate Representative), David Walker (CO), Brandon Dudley (CO), Ann Roll (CO), Mitch Avila (Provost’s Representative)





Michele Van Hoeck

CLSA Letter of Support from COLD - vote


Motion approved for COLD Chair to draft a letter for the California School Library Association's (CSLA) initiative to establish a Library Lead in the State System of Support for K-12 schools. The letter will circulate for COLD input and approval via email.


Ron Rodriguez

COLD strategic planning update


Motion approved for the COLD Strategic Planning Task Force to revise the 2018 3-year strategic plan and to utilize the services of a facilitator to further engage stakeholders in developing the revised plan.


John Wenzler

Inclusive Cataloging Statement – proposed revision


The proposed revision to the inclusive cataloging statement was discussed at length. No COLD action was taken but it was recommended that the DEIA task force review the proposed revisions for further consideration.





Brandon Dudley

Unity/Resource Sharing Functional Committee (ULMS) proposal


Motion approved to accept both Unity/Resource Sharing Functional Committee (ULMS) proposals presented. See attached documents for specific information.


Scott Walter

Survey – Student Success Standing Committee


Discussed who is to respond to the survey:


Given scope of questions, dean may have best scope of perspective. General comments suggested using dean as point of contact (dean can then consult with others to gather data).

Suggestion to gather multiple perspectives by including different participants (Provost perspective, Faculty perspective). Have one point of contact for additional roles (Provost, Chair)

Pull out the professional development questions and deliver as a separate survey.

Additional language editing suggestions provided.


Brandon Dudley

Rapido Update


Report submitted and discussed.


Deans’ Hour





Draft of inclusive cataloging statement .pdf (application/pdf)
Revised Inclusive Cataloging statement.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Unity Courier Recommendation - Final.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Unity Courier Recommendation - Final.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Rapido COLD Report Dec 2022 - Final.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Rapido COLD Report Dec 2022 - Final.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
COLD Strategic Plan Recommendations DRAFT 11.29.22.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Revised Inclusive Cataloging statement v 2 112722.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
ULMS Survey Responses - COLD 2022.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Email from Teri Gallaway.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
drc-update.pdf (application/pdf)
Proposed Revision to the Inclusive Cataloging Statement.docx (application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document)
Draft of inclusive cataloging statement..pdf (application/pdf)