Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Acquisitions Administration | Includes a section on workflow rules and a description of the centrally managed Finance integration | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Alma purchasing workflows activity | Ex Libris handout with ordering exercises for hands-on training | Ex Libris | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Invoice Workflow and Tax | Instructions for creating & deleting invoices, Processing PO Line renewals and handling taxes | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Brief description of how TOUs are determined. Includes pairs of patrons and items that produce the relevant TOU in the CSUN Alma instance. | CSUN | HANDOUT | |
Course reserves training activity | Hands-on activity for creating a new course reserve and reading list citations | CSUN | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Circulation desk training activity | Hands-on activity for basic circ desk functionality - check out, check in, mark item as missing, place hold, etc. | CSUN | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Training videos that cover:
Resource Management
Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Repository Search Activity | Hands-on activity for getting started with Alma's repository search | CSUN | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Creating Sets Activity | Hands-on activity for creating a new set | CSUN | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Resource Management Administration | Description of available resource management configurations including Norm rules, Match & merge methods, Import Profiles and Authorities in Alma. | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Metadata Editor and templates activity | Ex Libris handout containing hands-on exercises using the Metadata Editor | Ex Libris | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Metadata Editor and templates | Description of menu options in the Metadata Editor, overview of cataloging steps and how to use templates | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Post-Receiving processing | Overview of processing physical materials using a work order | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Setting up OCLC Connexion to Export to Alma | Description of how CSUN configured their Connexion client to export records to Alma | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Normalization, Merge, Match and Indication Rules | Overview of Normalization, Merge, Match and Indication Rules with examples of when you would use each | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Copy Cataloging in Alma | Powerpoint with step-by-step procedure on copy-cataloging a new title with a record from Search External Resource | CSUN | PRESENTATION |
Powerpoint showing how to add a holdings and item records to an existing bibliographic record | CSUN | PRESENTATION | |
Normalization Rules in Alma | Powerpoint showing how to make changes to records with conditional statements | CSUN | PRESENTATION |
Powerpoint showing how to filter a set of record by MARC field and subfield | CSUN | PRESENTATION | |
Powerpoint showing how to export MARC data from Alma via MARCedit and then into an Excel spreadsheet | CSUN | PRESENTATION | |
Import Profiles | Creating and configuring import profiles | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Import Profiles - Functional call notes | Notes from the 10/26/16 Functional call with Ex Libris review of import profile creation, monitoring import issues, what to consider re: NZ import profiles. | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Electronic Resources
Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Electronic Resources overview | Overview of electronic resource structure and terms, and includes a hands-on activity | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Alma Administration
Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Finding and Managing Users | Hands-on activity for locating and modifying a user record | CSUN | HANDS-ON ACTIVITY |
Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Primo Ranking Customization | Examples of types of boosting in Primo | CSUN | HANDOUT |
Multiple functional areas
Title | Description | Campus | Format |
Alma libguide | An actively changing libguide that covers the basics of Alma as well as links to documentation, workflows and activities for each functional area. | CalState LA | LIBGUIDE |